Here is one for you ladies out there that i would love to have an answer to.
Why do you always go back to that A$$
I am the shoulder you cry upon.
I am the one you turn to at 3 in the morning when she just made you cry.
I am the one there to hold your hand though the bad times.
I am the one who supports you no matter what even when you go back to the $hit head that turns his back on you.
I was there when your mother was sick.
I was there when you had pain.
Where was he...oh that is right he is the one that gave you the pain.
But yet you always turn your back on me,
you always tell me he has changed
you always go back to him.
Why dont you give me a chance?
I am the one you called when you need help
I was there to change your tire in the rain in the dark.
Not him.
He was the one who kicked you out.
He was the one who made you cry.
Why does the good guy all ways finsh last?
What does he do that I can not?
What does he give you that I can not???
Sorry I care about you and can not treat you like $hit like he does.
But no matter what I will be there for you just like the mail man you can count on me rain or shine, sleet and snow will never stop me from being by your siide when you need it the most.
We will always be there for you.
Unknown "♥JoshyPoo♥" Naughty
- 16 years, 8 months, 8 days ago