...and from little Atlas's, young Winehouse's grow...
- 16 years, 9 months, 27 days ago
One Brief Moment...
I miss him that man I almost met how can it be that we shared a secret
in one brief moment our eyes were windows and in those moments I hope for him again
his gentle spirit whispering words whispering words to dreams long forgotten
his eyes like candles in the temple a mirror to the core of my soul
in some brief moments we shared a secret and in those moments I hope for him again Unknown"לאידוע"Purring
- 16 years, 9 months, 27 days ago
Mon Amie La Rose...
On est bien peu de chose Et mon amie la rose Me l'a dit ce matin A l'aurore je suis née Baptisée de rosée Je me suis épanouie Heureuse et amoureuse Aux rayons du soleil Me suis fermée la nuit Me suis réveillée vieille
Pourtant j'étais très belle Oui j'étais la plus belle Des fleurs de ton jardin
On est bien peu de chose Et mon amie la rose Me l'a dit ce matin Vois le dieu qui m'a faite Me fait courber la tête Et je sens que je tombe Et je sens que je tombe Mon cœur est presque nu J'ai le pied dans la tombe Déjà je ne suis plus
Tu m'admirais hier Et je serai poussière Pour toujours demain.
On est bien peu de chose Et mon amie la rose Est morte ce matin La lune cette nuit A veillé mon amie Moi en rêve j'ai vu Eblouissante et nue Son âme qui dansait Bien au-delà des nues Et qui me souriait
Crois celui qui peut croire Moi, j'ai besoin d'espoir Sinon je ne suis rien
Ou bien si peu de chose C'est mon amie la rose Qui l'a dit hier matin
Mon Amie La Rose... an English translation
We are truly insignificant And that's what my friend the rose Told me this morning
I was born at dawn Baptised in dew I blossomed In the rays of the sun Happy and in love I closed my petals at night And when I awoke I was old. Yet I had been beautiful Yes, I was the most beautiful Of all the flowers in your garden
See, the God that made me Now makes me bow my head And I feel I'm falling And I feel I'm falling My heart is almost bare I have a foot in my grave Already I am nothing You admired me only yesterday And I shall be dust Forever, tomorrow
We are truly insignificant And my friend the rose Died this morning
Last night the moon Kept vigil over my friend And in a dream I saw Her soul, dancing Dazzling and naked, Above the heavens, Smiling on me. Let those who can, believe But I need Hope Or else I am nothing
- 16 years, 9 months, 27 days ago
It could have been Nina. It could have been Cat. But tonight, it's David...
Wild Is The Wind...
Love me, love me, love me, love me, say you do, Let me fly away with you, For my love is like the wind, and wild is the wind Wild is the wind...
You touch me, I hear the sound of mandolins, You kiss me, With your kiss my life begins... You're spring to me, all things to me Don't you know you're life, itself!
Like the leaf clings to the tree, Oh, my darling, cling to me, For we're like creatures of the wind, and wild is the wind...
Wild is the wind
Wild is the wind
Wild is the wind
Wild is the wind
- 16 years, 9 months, 28 days ago
A word of explanation for my absence from HP. Something in the workings of this place makes my computer unhappy. Everything I try to do here happens *slowly* (it's just taken me two hours to post three comments)... So I stick my head around the door now and again, but not so often, sadly.
Kisses to you all... xoxo
- 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago