"When you're around, I stop dreaming." -- myself Unknown"Guv"Naughty
- 17 years, 17 days ago
"This is the only church will you will hear the words sperm, juxtaposition, enigma and eruption all in one morning." -- a church service I attented and didn't pay attention to. It's safe to say the preacher caught me off guard a few times. Unknown"Guv"Naughty
- 17 years, 1 month, 24 days ago
Well, I certainly don't have much interest in owning him. He'd probably bite me at the first opportunity. ;)
I knew his answer - Francesco, we'll say. Besides, he was a gift. so you technically didn't buy him. & he was gifted because I know of your plan to be the puppet-master. ;P I am furthering it along!! Be happy.
"Half-Rushn BSitr"Loving
- 16 years, 10 months, 16 days ago
ohh! You've changed your picture! kawaii! :)
It is surprising that no-one's bought us from the other, but I reckon they're smart enough to NOT start that war. because everyone around us has realised by now that we own the other. :D
"Half-Rushn BSitr"Loving
- 16 years, 11 months, 7 days ago
"My girl"Intrigued
- 16 years, 11 months, 9 days ago
I call you 'bitch' in the nicest sense of the word! You saying my word > his makes me all warm + fuzzy inside.
"Half-Rushn BSitr"Loving
- 16 years, 11 months, 11 days ago
Well to be fair, I am very un-Mexican when it comes to mannerisms or general thought. I usually find a stereotypical Mexican annoying.
Not gonna argue the facts. I was pretty much just bullshitting my way through it so, you have me there really. And as for the coming back, maybe I have a masochistic personality and just don't know it? =/
Really? I like the SNES personally, but mainly because that has a whole lot of nostalgia for me. What type of genre did you like most? Me, I'm an RPG sort of guy, as I hate playing with other people. Playing a two player game seemed to take the fun out of beating it.
- 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
Wow. Well I don't think bitch would be appropriate. Verbally abrasive would be more closer to terms, but I tend to save the word bitch for people that cut me off on the highway; and as of yet, I don't see you doing that anytime soon. Even so, thanks for bursting my ego, but I'm short and Mexican, so you'll have to understand that I didn't have much reason to have one in the first place. =/
Also also, your favorite gaming system since I have yet to have a topic to discuss and as of yet been doing nothing but making of an ass of myself.
- 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago