Well I must say I'm a spoiled lil' brat!! Went to the Casino last night and hubby won a grand, so we went shopping lol. I got the ring I'd been oogling for 3 months, and the new cel phone I'd been oogling since it came out. Mothers day came early and I'm so very happy.
Unknown "BONGO" Serene
- 16 years, 10 months, 4 days ago
Boys, Boys, Boys. Have you raised one? I still am. I have 3 one's a teen! You think women are hard to understand, well teenage boy are too. There's a time and a place to flap your yap, but why is it they flap it all the time? Well 3 (not my boys) have an out of school suspention, and mine with an inschool. Now my boy and one of the others have never been able to get along, as I said to my teen yesterday if you 2 would just STAY away things would be fine. I grew up around 'boys' and they've all done the same thing....my question is WHY WHY WHY LOL. I hope you know this was not a btching, just a wondering, and just for fun really. Have a good day everyone :)
Unknown "BONGO" Serene
- 16 years, 10 months, 25 days ago
Paitence is a Virtue. I love that saying, and as of the last few days have certainly needed to use it. You know raising kids is tough, but it gets tougher the older they get. Boy's I find are the hardest so far. As they go into their teen-age years, school gets harder, and so does the bullying factor. I hate (and yes hate is a very strong word) bullies!! If you have a child that has this problem. Please listen to them, and deal with it. There are things you can do, so please do them. I am in that kind of situation right now, and believe me, I WILL do everything in my power (legally of course) to end it now, before my son or someone else's child is hurt.
Unknown "BONGO" Serene
- 16 years, 11 months, 3 days ago