Here it goes...
What Least
I want neither your sorrow nor your kindness.
I won’t beg your pardon
I don’t have to,
I did nothing to hurt you.
My only mistake was reveal myself
And love more than I should
More than you want me to
Much more than you could ever return.
Now, it’s useless to cry
Is impossible not to lie
We both know how hard it’s going to be
I can’t say goodbye, and leave you behind
You mean everything to me.
I don’t want you to follow me
Just be sure I’ll always be near
Wherever your voice sound in the withering,
Wherever I can see your face reflected in the sea
Wherever my brown eyes can turn green
I’ll be by your side,
I’ll be inside you.
You know there is no way out,
I’m a brown-eyed sea
I’m the ocean in you,
Even though you pretend not to see.
Unknown "~fleur de lis~" Tender
- 16 years, 10 months, 17 days ago