This is my link, to my herd cuties!!! thumbme uP =) Unknown"Gorgeous"Sparkling
- 17 years, 6 days ago
No matter if the times are good or bad, no matter if it's cold outside of if it's a rainy day, no matter if the days are perfects or unperfected, no matter if you awake in a bad mood or with a smile in your face for every one who comes by your side... No matter if the economy affect us, no matter the days that last... Always ALWAYS always... You can count on me, you can count with the fact that i'll try to say something silly for make you laugh, you can count with i'll get mad with the things that mad you, you can count with i'll try to put everything on a different perspective, you can count that i'll sing loud some stupid song until you give me a slap and forget a little bit everything else and of course and above all you can count that i love you with my hoooooooole heart UNCONDITIONAL...
- 17 years, 13 days ago
i'm sleepless right now. .. just thinking that i have to do so much things for the people i care. .. and i realize that i care for all the people. .. every single people in the world. .. and it make me feel son tinny. .. as a grain of sand in the sea. .. but i trust that everything that i do, no matter the size of my acts, could be the begging or simple a part of some bigger act. .. the act of KINDNESS. ..
- 17 years, 13 days ago
March 18th was a very happy day for IÑAKI, Ma ANDREA and a lot of friends of them, because our friends give us a new nephew, a real angel, that now have a human name. .. ANDRÉ. .. i love her !! (all of us love her) pinch the pic to see her. ..
- 17 years, 13 days ago