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Flora owns this human at 50000 points.

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Big D
Big D
"Hero Dave R.I.P."

Big D, 72/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:4:47 AM
Join date:17 years, 1 month, 15 days ago
Location: IL United States

"Do Not Buy Me, I'm Not For Sale"
About me:
Please Don't attempt to buy me. I am quite happy with my owner and if you try to buy me with out asking my owner or me first I will run away in a heartbeat and intentionally cause you to lose your points. I may not be very expensive but I am loyal to my owner and friends. I am not a newbie to HP. I played when it was on FB and when Patrick moved us to his own site I played here. I took a hiatus for awhile and now I'm back. Ask me anything you'd like but becareful because I am honest and if you don't really want to know, don't ask. I am here to make new friends and re-unite with old friends.
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): My Codes
Herds: Trusted Thumbers Association, Smiles for Annie 50/5, ღ In Celebration of Annie ღ
Big's tales
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Big D
Yesterday 10-01-12 was a cluster fuck of a day alright. It started with people calling in, knot head ending up in the hospital with chest pains, our dispatcher screwing up shit. To make my day worse was I had a patient go into full cardiac arrest in a mini van and was told that CPR was in progress when I was toned out for the call. I get on scene and there are people and cops standing around and not one swingin' dick was doing CPR. The patient had been down about 5 minutes so my partner and I get him (no one helped us) out of the mini van and on to my stretcher and into the ambulance where we start CPR. We zap him at a straight 360 to get him out of fib, I get him intubated and get some epi and atropine in him. I get an IV in his jugular going and off we got to the ER. Needless to say the guy didn't make it. To top it off our dispatcher fucked up my times because he was playing on his cell phone instead of listening to the radio traffic. Now the reason why I say I did things is because my partner is an EMT/Basic and IV's, Intubations, Med pushes and defibs are above his skill level. I'm geting too old for this shit.
Big D "Hero Dave R.I.P." Back Online - 12 years, 5 months, 26 days ago
Big D
Today's Topic: Too many morons and not enough bullets. This really stems from Friday 09-28-12 and carried over to today. While driving the 60 miles I have to to get to the ambulance base i work at I have to go through all kinds of construction in Marion, IL. It seems like Monday and Friday are the worst days to drive to work. So while I was on my way and trying to avoid getting into a wreck caused by one of the local speed demons I decided to observe some of the people driving next to me. It's amazing how some people get through their daily lives with the rectal/cranial thing going on and survive. On one side of me is Mz. Yakaty Yak driving and talking on the cellphone oblivious to everything going on around her. Who the hell can she be jawjackin' with at 6:00 A.M. Then we have Redneck Willy in the pickup truck on the otherside of me with his finger buried so far up his nose that if he hits a pothole he's gonna pop his eye out. Then there is granny driving her brand new cadillac doing 45 MPH in a 65 MPH (in the passing lane) with her face pressed against the windshield because she is nearsighted and doesn't wear her glasses because she wants too look younger than her 85 years of age.

I can tell Friday was gonna be a shitty day and I was so looking forward to listening to my work partner bitch about how good he has it. Of course I was correct that Friday was gonna be one of those days. We had a booboo bus break down in Saline County so I had to cover 2 counties because of this. My first call was to a local college were some yoyo decided to amputate his finger. Back in the day they would have told him to walk it off LOL. I go out and get him and take him and his finger tip to the hospital. My next call was a 2 vehicle wreck. Both yoyos are out of their vehicles and neither one wante to go to the hospital until one of the puked on the road. Guess his belly hurt more than he thought and he decided not to be macho after all. Saline County finally got another booboo bus from our Marion base and they were back in service and I went back to my county with the Children of the Corn. The rest of my shift was pretty uneventful for the most part,

Today.........has been a cluster fuck of a day because I am working in Saline County. I don't know where my boss found our dispatcher at but I wish he would send him back where he found him. Today the medic who relieved me yesterday (when I was working with the Children of the Corn) decided to have chest pain. He's the one that has the knot on his forehead. He went to the ER here in Saline County but he neglects to let our boss know so now there is no ambulance coverage in Gallatin County. Now we're trying to figure out a plan to have coverage Saline and Galatin Counties. I told my boss how he could work it so the county his service is contracted to will have a crew there and how Saline County would have coverage too. He wouldn't do it because it wasn't his idea and he would rather breech his contract than let any employee express an idea. Then he rips our idiot dispatcher to use his brain so I figure he took his brain out and is playing with it.
Big D "Hero Dave R.I.P." Back Online - 12 years, 5 months, 27 days ago
Big D
Last night I really enjoyed sipping some homemade moonshine that I bought (yes they legally sell it in stores now) at the local liquor store. It's called Junior Johnson's Midnight Moon with cherries in it. Junior Johnson is big in the NASCAR racing circuit. Now the story behind the Johnson family is back in the day they were big time bootleggers and Junior use to run shine and ended up doing a stretch in the pen for running shine. Who woulda thunk that he'd be able to sell his corn squeezin's legally. Ya have to sip it and it goes down smoother than any liquor I ever drunk.
Big D "Hero Dave R.I.P." Back Online - 12 years, 6 months, 2 days ago
Big D
Today is Sunday. I just got done with a 72 hours shift on the Boo Boo Bus. The saying "you can't fix stupid" rings true when it comes to working where the children of the corn are. Tomorrow I go back on duty for another 24 hours with them and after that I'll have 3 days off. There just isn't enough beer.
Big D "Hero Dave R.I.P." Back Online - 12 years, 6 months, 5 days ago
Big D
So I'm sitting here bored to death wondering what happened to the human pets I use to play. Most of the people I use to see on here daily aren't here that much anymore. I was thinking of buying some pets but haven't seen anyone that I really want to buy at the adoption center. I use to be in a bunch of different herds at one time but thumbing daily got to be too much with sitting here for hours. The arthritis in my knees and diabetic neuropathy in my legs caused me too much pain. Can't take pain meds for it. Being a paramedic, my mind has to be clear when I'm treating patients in an emergency situation. Anyway I'll keep checking in a couple times a day. If ya know a good pet looking for a good owner, point em my way.
Big D "Hero Dave R.I.P." Back Online - 12 years, 6 months, 15 days ago
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some deadly wicked tunes 💀 You have been given some deadly wicked tunes 💀.
Crafted by Sumiko Lande
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" Great Time To Be American - 1 month, 12 days ago
sending thoughts n prayers to family n friends R.I.P
I Was Here! You have been given I Was Here!.
Crafted by consuelo garcia
Leah "La La La Leah" Tired - 9 years, 11 months, 24 days ago
gone but not forgotten.. my deepest sympathies to your family and all who were touched by your humour and your care.. Rest Peacefully x
forget-me-nots (myosotis sylv.) You have been given forget-me-nots (myosotis sylv.).
Crafted by Christian
Erika "So very missed " Trusting - 9 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
Although I never had the pleasure of knowing you I send my regards to you in heaven. May you know peace tranquility and love. Fly with the angels x
~PeaCe~ You have been given ~PeaCe~.
Crafted by wolfwithin
Soulshine "Soul" boo deleted :) - 9 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
Rest in Peace Dave. My condolences to your family and friends.
NirvInch "Bestie" Tear me to pieces, Skin to bone - 9 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
Rest in Peace Dave xo
Thinking of You! You have been given Thinking of You!.
Crafted by Jeannette Kk
Flora "♡Bel Fiore" 💡Time to Turn Out the Lights - 9 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
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Big's shop
Dave's Exotic Emporium

Fun items and gifts for you and your pets.


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Hot Chocolate
1 use

175 pts
Hot Chocolate
Bought by 10 people
A Gift For You
1 use

175 pts
A Gift For You
Bought by 21 people
Lonely For You
1 use

175 pts
Lonely For You
Bought by 5 people
Unconditional Love
1 use

175 pts
Unconditional Love
Bought by 8 people
Take My Hand
1 use

175 pts
Take My Hand
Bought by 5 people
1 use

175 pts
Bought by 3 people
Hey There!
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200 pts
Hey There!
Bought by 9 people
The Rules
1 use

200 pts
The Rules
Bought by 12 people
You Have Been Hypnotized
1 use

175 pts
You Have Been Hypnotized
Bought by 19 people
Have A Good Day
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175 pts
Have A Good Day
Bought by 16 people
Good Night
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175 pts
Good Night
Bought by 9 people
Just Passin' By
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175 pts
Just Passin' By
Bought by 21 people
A Bag Of Laughs
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175 pts
A Bag Of Laughs
Bought by 21 people
Some Tongue
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200 pts
Some Tongue
Bought by 8 people
Good Morning
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175 pts
Good Morning
Bought by 24 people
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