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"Sexy Richard"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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"Princess Helga"
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Unknown's tales
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Ok everyone. It's been awhile since I have written any new stuff. Recently I was talkong with my friend Jodi on IM, and she gave me pure hell for not writing any new verses for my blog on myspace or yearbook. So I set to with my comp and started writting again. Over the next couple of days, I will be posting some new Romantic verses
in my blogs on Yearbook and Myspace, and here on HP for you all to read.
Unknown "Sexy Richard" Daring - 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
For everyone out there, all of these are original writings of mine. I am no pro. I just like to look at a picture, and write a Verse or Short Story. I dabble at best at writing Poetry.
I have a Few friends who are far better at it than I. I hope you all enjoy reading them
as much as I enjoyed writing them
Unknown "Sexy Richard" Daring - 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
Death Dealers Ballad

From the time he has Born, Thorgin had been exposed to the horrors of Battle. As a child he was forced to watch as his parents were slaughtered, by the Malevolent Ragnin, before being sold as a slave to the Gladiator Guild.
For 13 years he watched and learned, as the Gladiators Faught and died in and out of the pit. With longing for freedom Burning in his breast, he looked to the Moon. Fell to his knees and vowed to the gods of War and Death.
Oh Gods above. I am but a simple man, I have no love for life and If I die tomorrow, no one will miss me. For I am but a slave and of no consequence.
But grant me this one boon and I will serve you till the end of my Days.
Give me my Vengence, and the land will run red with the blood of millions.
Allow me my freedom and the power to destroy my tormenters and I will Fight for you. Grant me my Boon or let me die for I can not live like a slave anymore.
As he stared at the Moon, the skies Blackened, Thunder roared and Lightning streaked across the skies crashing down around him, surrounding him with Eldritch Light. He could feel the power growing inside him. His body was changing, No longer Would he be a slave. In the distance he saw a shape.
The shape came towards him slowly. It was a Destrier, but unlike any he had ever seen before. It was Blacker than the night Starless sky, with eyes that burned with the fires of Hell. As it's hooves struck the ground, Flames scorched the earth, burning all it touched.
On it's back was a saddle with a horned helmet on the fork and a War Axe that glowed with the feral power of Darkness it's blade shaped like a sickle the edge gleamed in the moonlight.
With trembling hands, Thorgin reached out and took the Breastplate and Cuirias from the saddle and put them on. The power coursing through him as he reached for the Horned Helmet. He knew once he put that Helmet on, he would no longer be a slave, But a servant of the Dark Lords of Death.
Slowly he lowered the Helmet onto his head, No longer would he be known as Thorgin the slave. Forever more He would be known as The Death Dealer.
Now let the world tremble as Wars are fought By Kings and Prince's For None shall be victorious except for Death.

Unknown "Sexy Richard" Daring - 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
Last Battle of the Fairy Queen

The Field was strewn with the crushed Broken Bodies of warriors from both sides of the war. The Dark forces were in retreat, the forces of light had won
the day. But at what cost. Many Men, Dwarves, and Elve's had died.
The Victory was Pyric at best, the allied forces of the Light were being preesed hard by the forces of the Dark Lord. Amidst the Clash of arms and shouts of
pain. A new hope emerged, when the forces of the Fairy Queen arrived.
With renewed hope for a victory the forces of Light Rallied to the Fairy Queen's Call. The Battle raged for what seemed like an Eternity. The Battle field littered with the bodies of the dead and dying.
The Fairy Queen, The Greatest Warrior of her Race, Knew that all would be lost if the Battle continued. Across the field of battle she searched for the Dark Lord Bolroth. Spying the Dark Lord at last, Fayne speed towards him to do
battle. Mighty were the blows traded by the two, Fayne's Sword BrightBlade
and Bolroth's Blade Doomslayer clashed showering the two with sparks.
Many were the wounds, that Fayne recieved from the Dark Lord, knowing that
she could not last much longer, Fayne fell to the ground. Bolroth senseing
Victory raised Doomslayer for the Final Blow that would end the Fairy Queen's
life. This was the opportunity Fayne had hoped for. With the last of her failing
strength, She thrust Brightblade deep into the Dark Lords Body and with her last breath, Fayne spoke the charm to send him back to the pits that spawned him.
Many were the cries of Sadness at the Passing of the Fairy Queen that day.
Men openly weeped, the Stoic and Grim Dwarves, lowered their heads to hide their tears, and the Elves wept in silence. The Fairy Folk Gently and with Great Reverence, picked up their Fallen Queen and retrieved her sword from the ashes of the Dark Lords remains. With the Battle won, and their Queen dead.
The Fairy Folk Departed from this world. Fulfilling the Prophecy of Ormond.
When the Days grow dark and the forces of Good and Evil do Battle.
There will arise a Queen of Fairy, to do battle with the Dark Lord.
Upon the Darkest Hour will she fall and win the day, But the Time of the Fairy
will be no more.

Unknown "Sexy Richard" Daring - 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
Romantic Verse

As the Sun shined down on the Garden, the Ill fated lovers held each other close. Knowing that soon they would both be Victims of the Bishop's anger,
they agreed to break their vow, a vow they made never to speak of their feelings
for each other. With tears in his eyes, he fell to his knees and proclaimed his undying love for her, she slowly fell to her own knees in front of him and with tears of joy, she spoke of the love she had in her heart for him. They could hear the Bishop's Soldiers coming for them, and knew that they had little time. As the arrows peirced their bodies, their lips met as they died in each others arms.
Do not weep for them, Instead sing songs of Praise for them, and Rejoice
For in Death they found the Happiness they yearned for, that was so cruelly
Denied them in Life.
As Told By.
Eldon Silverstar.
Bard and Royal Historian
May the TWO Forever be as ONE.

Unknown "Sexy Richard" Daring - 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
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Hello Guardian....
You have been given Feelings of Arctic Magic ♥.
Crafted by Virve Anne-Maria
Unknown Lonely - 16 years, 3 months, 10 days ago
Hi Richard! Thank U for visiting me!

Unknown "Stuning" - 16 years, 4 months, 4 days ago
Bwahahaha I got ya back, finally. Sorry I've been gone so long but I'm back!
Unknown "Princess Cissy" Neglected - 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
Nikita Josephine aka Nikki Jo
Hi Richard ... Nice to see you again .... Hope Barbara doesn't mind if I steal you away for awhile ....
You have been given Hunting with the Exotic Cat Lady.
Crafted by Nikita Josephine aka Nikki Jo
Nikita Josephine aka Nikki Jo "Cat Woman" Curious - 16 years, 8 months, 17 days ago
Hey hun. sorry I've been gone so long. Just extremely busy with School, work, kids, etc etc lol But I've got ya back for the time being lol How've you been while I've been away?
You have been given For my Angel.
Crafted by
Unknown "Princess Cissy" Neglected - 16 years, 9 months, 25 days ago
Canada Rocks!!!...thxs for taking the time to read my tales..xx
You have been given canadian girls kick ass.
Crafted by
Ronnie "Ronnie" - 16 years, 9 months, 29 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Romantic Gifts

Just a little shop I am making for people who like to give romantic gifts. There are plenty of shops out there with Naughty gifts.

For My Angel
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200 pts
For My Angel
Bought by 6 people
Walk With Me
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225 pts
Walk With Me
Bought by 2 people
Happy Birthday
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200 pts
Happy Birthday
Bought by 33 people
Rose Heart
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350 pts
Rose Heart
Bought by 3 people
Thinking of you
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275 pts
Thinking of you
Bought by 4 people
Happy Birthday
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200 pts
Happy Birthday
Bought by 30 people
missing you
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200 pts
missing you
Bought by 11 people
I Love You
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350 pts
I Love You
Bought by 1 people
Thinking of you
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250 pts
Thinking of you
Bought by 4 people
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250 pts
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Holding Hands
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250 pts
Holding Hands
Bought by 6 people
Thinking of you
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300 pts
Thinking of you
Bought by 5 people

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