i made another gif icon today..this time is of my lovely and beautiful lao po hahahaha...she's just so kawaii ne ahahaha
Unknown"ZAI ZAI"Crazy
- 17 years, 1 month, 22 days ago
one day my dearest friend davy said : hey lets exchange drawings of ourselves !!! he did keep his sweet promise and did a drawing of me...but lazy me just finished sketching him but had prob with scanning the pic T_T..so till now he's still waiting keke =P give me a few more days k davy~~~
was actually very touched to receive his drawing of me...to me he';s like one of the genius who dunno they r genius haha..Thank u...U R THE BEST BRO!!! really i'm ur fan >.<
Unknown"ZAI ZAI"Crazy
- 17 years, 1 month, 22 days ago
"Mio Cameriera"Loving
- 16 years, 6 months, 20 days ago
to all my dearest pets~~~ ur crazy owner is back!!! i'm so sorry i;ve been gone for so long but now i;m back to take care of all of u ne keke...*pet**pet* be gd nia~ love always *SUPER MUACK* - mic