Try to think if you have ever lied,
Somehow I doubt you'll think too long.
Now maybe it is not right to lie,
but tell me is it always wrong?
I have lived in with the rich folk,
I have lived alongside the poor.
No matter the wealth, each has lied,
only to save that something more.
They lied to save someone from shame,
or maybe they even lied to save a life.
It is cowardly to save yourself this way,
but truly noble to save another from strife.
Always remember when given the chance,
you are allowed to speak truth or tell lies.
Think what will keep your honor,
it may mean who lives or dies.
Now as I say all these things to you,
this motto to keep your honesty, to do your best to try.
Know that I myself am always honest,
now tell me true, did I just lie?
Talen Bune "Obyri Pacific" Peaceful
- 15 years, 10 months, 15 days ago