The Dr. Suess Invasion
bleeding sundays
creeping mondays
sombre tuesdays
fucking blue days
don't be damned you said with a smile
it's time well wasted between the sheets
i watch my heart fall for a little while
upon the floor while it still beats
so i ask you this with an honest face as i sit down next to myself
after you've committed your crime on my precious time
do you like my rhyme you douche bag slime?
cuz i hate this shit but i hate you more and i wish you never knocked on my door
Dr Seuss moved in like a crazy train and you left cum stains on my brain
i wish he'd leave i really do cuz i'd like to write like i used to
but sadly madly truely badly this fucked up need to rhyme indeed
will never leave until you do
R. Norton '10
Bekah "Miss her so" Cheeky
- 14 years, 1 month, 9 days ago