"You told me again you preferred handsome men , but for me you would make an exception."
About me:
I am laughing as you read this, at myself and this world. I am laying in the sun somewhere, or breathing in the scent of cedar and fir.
About you:
You're attempting to subvert the dominant paradigm. You like to chase people through the woods, wrestle, do contact improv or other improv, play capoeira, or are a ninja. You believe that your experience of reality is directly affected by your beliefs and expectations. You know what duende means, and it describes you/your life well. If you're ready to let go of your expectations, seeking chaos and intensity. If you're not afraid to make eye contact with a person and tell them what's on your mind. Bonus points if you like doing that for extended periods. If you like to sing and dance, even if you think you aren't any good at either. You want to travel with me or help me build community, or make magic. If this is you: I am The God Who Kindles Fire In The Head! Who makes wise the company on the mountain? Who makes known the ages of the moon? Who knows the secret resting-place of the sun?
Perfect Grassroots Festival: Friends, strangers, dancing as though possessed, new romance.
Then: My mandolin was stolen. Wrought Havoc"evan"Intrigued
- 15 years, 8 months, 14 days ago
My friend Sasha Sepia Sun sent this to me. So lovely.
Wrought Havoc"evan"Intrigued
- 15 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
Run to de debil, debil won't you hide me? Run to de debil, debil won't you hide me? Run to de debil, debil won't you hide me? All on that day...
She made me a hair-pin right in front of my eyes, and took me to mysterious new places... Wrought Havoc"evan"Intrigued
- 15 years, 8 months, 20 days ago
Off to New York City for a few days: Going to sing songs and make trouble. Wrought Havoc"evan"Intrigued
- 15 years, 8 months, 24 days ago
Funny, I didn't think six months had passed... Wrought Havoc"evan"Intrigued
- 15 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
I had to endure one very painful semester of Criminology, and their was an entire chapter on paradigms, I still can't pronounce that word :P I just saw it in my into box thingy. Also mandolins ftw :)
"the truth about masturbation" is (c)R.K.Milholland, and I hope he won't give me shit for it, 'cause I'm not making money and maybe someone new will go read http://www.somethingpositive.net because of this