Tasteless Jokes
(Not Offensive)
You Know You're An Old Catholic If:
You still think the secret problem of priests
is alcoholism.
You remember when Nuns wore habits.
You think "No meat on Fridays" has nothing
to do with oral sex.
You remember the days of alter boys instead
of altered boys.
You think "Mother Superior" is more than a
term of hooker endearment.
You think the primacy of Peter had nothing
to do Lorena Bobbit.
You answer "yes" to both: "Does a bear eat
in the woods?," and "Is the Pope Italian?"
You remember the days when confessions
did not start out with: "You have the right to
remain silent."
You remember when a red sash around a
priest's waist did not mean he was gay.
You think a man dressed in black was not
a member of the SWAT team.
You remember when kneelers were in
church, not in the Oval Office.
You remember when Cardinals were
birds of pray, not prey.
You remember when Holy Water was
not from golden showers.
You remember the days before Bingo
was made a sacrament.
You remember when "Love one another"
did not mean "Orgy Time!"
You remember when Amazing Grace was
not the name of every tenth stripper.
You remember when "Father" was a
religious title, not the results of a court-ordered
DNA test.
You remember when "Mother" was also a
religious title, not the first name of really bad
people .
You remember when I could get out of this
joke by saying three "Hail Mary's."
Q. What do you get when you cross a Jehovah's Witness with a Hell's
Angel Biker? A. Someone who comes to your door on Sunday and tells
to fuck off!
Q: How do you recognize a gay Pakistani?
A: He has a red dot on the back of the head.
Q. If a movie with lesbians is named 'Fire', what would a movie with
gay's be named. A. Backfire
Ending a relationship is just like adjusting your underwear: You feel
better when the creep is gone.
Q: Why do blondes cut the strings off their tampons?
A: So the crabs don't start bungee jumping.
If anyone finds my jokes offensive and wants me to stop sending
them, just
send me an email and I will be happy to remove you from my mailing
Thank you,
Paul :)
Danielle Simons "Gibbles" Cheeky
- 16 years, 6 months, 27 days ago