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NelliePea Teatime | - Free online hangout and friends
Chris Jeffries
Chris Jeffries owns this human at 466667 points.

NelliePea Teatime
NelliePea Teatime
"Nellie Temptress"

NelliePea Teatime, 53/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:03 AM
Join date:16 years, 10 months, 4 days ago
Location: Isle Of Man United Kingdom

"Addictive if Swallowed"
About me:
I have been around a long time, seen profiles come and go (including mine a few times) I still love this place and I still play the game :) I am a good pet. I am a goldfish, I forget to be grumpy and sad as long as there is weed and shiny stones about to keep me amused! I flirt, I tease, I play, and I have lots of fun! I like bacon! I am not good with the word NO! I dance to ska, play with my food (especially jelly and custard), sing to dodgy '80's stuff, sit naked round campfires and make dirty phonecalls in the bath!

MySpace Layouts

Myspace Layouts at / Orange

About you:
My Favourite things Beards, dreads, Floyd, small wooden beads, rubber, the smell of horses noses, patchouli oil, brown cords, trees, being naked, campfires, VW buses, winter, witches, batman, zombies, piercings, those little red bugs that live on brick walls, Statler and waldolf, laughing so much you can't stop, pink wine, cigarettes when you are pissed, water diviners, the smell of classic motorbikes, pin up girls, orange, number 8, finding bats, asparagus, Father Ted, spinning round till you fall over, strawberry laces, Star Wars, being free, crunchy autumn leaves, my children, Pratchett and Gaiman, Craig, cocktail nights with my friends, dressing up and going out in a silly costume for no reason, oral sex, serial killers especially Ed Gein, being untidy, log cabins, Lapland, baths, rainbows, boobs, playing pool with a low cut top on, Bindi the shed cat, Wonder Woman, '70's and 80's childrens telly, whipped cream, mushrooms, smokey campfires, gorgeous men, putting your tongue on an ice cube, making cats jump, slides, anal sex, thigh high boots on a gorgeous pair of legs, running reallly fast, riding my horse along a beach, burlesque girls, icicles, sledging, Wales especially Snowdonia, taking photos of trees, beach combing, drift wood, The Boosh boys, cos they just make me laugh out load, and my kids like the songs, Shooting Fish (the film, not actually shooting fish), Harrison Ford, Pentagrams, casting spells especially love ones, wearing no knickers, Edward Monkton, my very expensive camera, my husband (I better give him a mention as he is the most patient, kind lovely man on earth - yes I want something), stinging nettles and dockleaves, dancing round a campfire naked, living willow structures, my florida snowman which my friend brought back from honey moon, Darth Tater, Lego, it makes me laugh, my small collection of Miss Wet T shirt awards (the only thing I have ever won other than the last prize in a raffle which is always hankies, or bubble bath that has been half used and filled with water!), plaiting my hair, my tattoos, massaging the people I love (I am qualified you know), hiccups when they don't last too long, houmous, using candles instead of lightbulbs, my log burner, burning rosemary, Bill Bailey, Dylan Moran and Eddie Izzard (because without them I may never smile again), old photos of my family, my wedding video (it's not convensional, it is actually of the contest we had to see who was going to be bestman out of my husbands three best friends - we sent them on a treasure hunt, with a bridesmaid each and they had to do a video diary - I have no footage of the ceremony!), actually my wedding was one of my favourite things, silver things, shiny things, coloured pencils when the are all in order in a tin, when you have just the right amount of money to buy something in your purse (it was destined to be your then), wicker chairs, my bed, peg looms, balsamic vinegar, growing chilli's on my kitchen window and naming them after the Red Hot Chilli Peppers with extra sessional musicians, Beans, being silly, throwing snowball, geckos, windmills, lighthouses especially the ones on the Calf of Man, Green men, Cabbage leaves, Manx cat's, wooden spoons, Hazelnut Lattes, Harveys Bristol Cream, Chas and Dave, ponchos, shreddies that are really knitted by Nana's, Dried frogs, poi's, Shiny things (this may be repeated, but I like them lots and I don't care), yurts, things that make your eyes go funny, boys who dress in camoflage, then try and hide against white walls (my son), keys, witty comments, ecologically friendly washing up liquid that smells of apples, the smell of the inside of churches, bacon with brown sauce, mustard and tomato sauce, vinegar on my sunburn, banana's and cucumbers for their comedy value, Beltane, Soapy tit wanks from Bella, beards, long lingering kisses when you least expect them, good children, Mikes shop, oh and Mike, lager and lime (pints), fishing nets, the aliens in Toy Story, feather boa's, mohicans, skewbald horses, graphic novels about zombies, toast and toast related products, different types of grass, people who talk bollocks, trampolines, pretzels, woolly hats, flirting (why was this not on the first list), circus freaks, Ozzy Osbournes lack of coherrent speech, cous cous, water fights... peas, midgets, my stripy red and white jug, Pips jesus items but not the Hoff ones LOL, cucumbers, having a kettle (I don't at the moment), chinese leaves,my veg garden, not going to work, my phone ringing today, being green and recycling everything (I tried to recycle my husband but they wouldn't take him LOL), smoking (I have to give up!), melon daquiris, flowery plates, looking at the moon, flutes, fluff especially belly button, being thinner than I was 2 weeks ago, my new electric blue jeans (they are the dogs), more coffee, popcorn, watching all the Starwars films one after the other, candle and fire light, rainbows, squeezing spots, upside down cats..studded collars, bedroom shoes, Pip (thought she would enjoy being next to the bedroom shoes), bacon (cos it is worth another mention), remenising with friends about the 80's, ball bearings (LOL), the shiny bit inside boxes of chocolates, my MP4 player and all it contains, Lee's shop, War of the Worlds, Woking, Autumn, glitter balls, my lava lamp, hippy scarves hanging from the ceiling, Deans poetry, licking up spilt beer off the table, getting drunk, crimped hair, afternoon chats with Linda and Andrew, singing badly, lush products, sploshing with Brian, Jay and Francis, my blanket, having a duvet day in blanket bay, feeling well, sunshine on a cold day, sitting under trees, not making my own coffee, breakfast in bed, my pet peacock Mushy, Oh and cos he is sulking about it my favourite bouncer Bri, my stars,, Catherine and her rather gorgeous pictures (yes those ones), green beetles, a morning doing nothing but chatting online, drinking coffee and eating bacon baps, peacock feather (but not sewing), the moon, my lovely glass gothic lamp thingy, my new camera, Ant's beard, Randall and Hopkirk (deceased), darts, Black books reruns on Gold, Rupert in the afternoons, my converse trainers, clothes pegs, my special piercing, my confidant and much adored friend Dean, vegetable pizza, the original Star Treks for their camp loveliness, Celtic Mist (my new found alcohol), my blackberry (when it works and the ball doesn't stick), My personal tattooist Lee, Florence and the Machines 'Rabbit Heart' which i seem to be able to sing badly, my random conversations with VP, well actually VP himself should get a mention, Ross Noble Tim Minchin's songs,Mojito's, my cat Bollinger, lemon sorbet, salty pretzels, hanging out with Murph, more pink wine, lego, humungousaur, Beryl the Camper, magic wands, joss sticks - so smoky you can't see the room, staying in (its the new going out), the fact that its nearly camping weather …Gnomes, fairies, my staffie Sheldon and all staffies, boxers and English Bull terriers, 70’s charm bracelets, Peter Serofinowicz and Matt Berry (threesome please), Instagram, my Samsung phone, Adventure time, Jake from Adventure time with a beard, Octopoirot, Lovejoy, My kitchen being nearly finished, Guitars, Champagne, Zombies novels, cucumber, crocheted octopi, Green ginger wine, Red Stag in my coffee, Watermelons and all they stand for, Caffiene and nicotine with Sara, flamingo’s
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Unspecified
Herds (lead): I LOVE BEARDS, Nell's Bell's, Nelliethumbs, Nellie's Serious Sploshing Herd, The Herd of Fabulous Shops, MAKE HP GREAT AGAIN CAMPAIGN
Herds: Stuart's Begging Bowl, MrMojo's Favorite Shops, The Herd of Random Item Disposal, The Facebook Reunion Herd, The New MMss, Stormy's Photography, HP TIP, The No Beaver's Club
703553 pts
"Madame B"
551250 pts
160 pts
Dean Myles Johnston
Dean Myles Johnston
140 pts
"Good Shop"
129 pts
Welby Welberson
Welby Welberson
50 pts
NelliePea's tales
1 2 3 4 Next
NelliePea Teatime

NelliePea Teatime
NelliePea Teatime "Nellie Temptress" Carefree - 7 years, 4 months, 29 days ago
NelliePea Teatime

NelliePea Teatime
NelliePea Teatime "Nellie Temptress" Carefree - 7 years, 4 months, 29 days ago
NelliePea Teatime

NelliePea Teatime
NelliePea Teatime "Nellie Temptress" Carefree - 7 years, 4 months, 29 days ago
NelliePea Teatime

NelliePea Teatime
NelliePea Teatime "Nellie Temptress" Carefree - 7 years, 4 months, 29 days ago
NelliePea Teatime

NelliePea Teatime
NelliePea Teatime "Nellie Temptress" Carefree - 7 years, 4 months, 29 days ago
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Madame Otter

a bowl of fresh strawberries You have been given a bowl of fresh strawberries.
Crafted by Madame Otter
Madame Otter " " Annoyed - 2 years, 1 month, 19 days ago
Madame Otter

A Good Grilled Cheese You have been given A Good Grilled Cheese.
Crafted by Maddie Cooper
Madame Otter " " Annoyed - 2 years, 1 month, 19 days ago

dark chocolate cheesecake You have been given dark chocolate cheesecake.
Crafted by Unknown
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" Great Time To Be American - 3 years, 6 months, 7 days ago
Jay Tay
Jay Tay "JT" Rabid - 4 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
Carlos DeVanian

You have been given The Damned - Standing On The Edge Of Tomorrow.
Carlos DeVanian "Wicked Devil" Adored - 6 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
Majorie Dawe

natural beauty You have been given natural beauty.
Crafted by retarded zombie boy
Majorie Dawe "Majorie Dawe" Loved - 7 years, 29 days ago
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NelliePea's shop
E's and Wizz

What everyone needs to get sorted for!

My shop has taken off now and I have been busily thanking everyone for their custom, it is now taking up so much of my time that I can no longer go to the toilet or make myself a coffee.
If I don't thank you personally, I shall be thanking you inside which is just as good, I can promise you!

Come and have a chat if you want, and I will always be adding new items, so come and look regularly!

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Nun Fun
1 use

300 pts
Nun Fun
Bought by 5 people
Sister Nellie Says NO!
1 use

500 pts
Sister Nellie Says NO!
Bought by 7 people
An Angler wait
1 use

300 pts
An Angler wait
Bought by 4 people
Sack my Nut Castle
1 use

300 pts
Sack my Nut Castle
Bought by 5 people
A stay at the Overlook Hotel
1 use

300 pts
A stay at the Overlook Hotel
Bought by 8 people
The Seal of Approval
1 use

300 pts
The Seal of Approval
Bought by 39 people
Never doing Wrong
1 use

300 pts
Never doing Wrong
Bought by 23 people
1 use

300 pts
Bought by 12 people
David Bowie Knife
1 use

300 pts
David Bowie Knife
Bought by 9 people
Infinite Cage
1 use

300 pts
Infinite Cage
Bought by 9 people
Drinkies with Ron
1 use

300 pts
Drinkies with Ron
Bought by 6 people
Forever Stupid
1 use

300 pts
Forever Stupid
Bought by 6 people
Planning Ahead
1 use

300 pts
Planning Ahead
Bought by 8 people
The Jaws Keys
1 use

300 pts
The Jaws Keys
Bought by 19 people
Emergency Tiara
1 use

300 pts
Emergency Tiara
Bought by 30 people
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