My former father-in-law used to refer to California as being "the left coast," a jab at its liberal reputation. And yes, sometimes he'd refer to it as being "the land of fruits and nuts."
Like a lot of people, I always viewed California as a very progressive state, too. But then I moved here.
If anyone in the rest of the country still views the nation's largest electoral block as being ridiculously liberal, the passage of Proposition 8 should put that to rest.
California has a lot of elections, most of them on measures and propositions. And I actually pay more attention to these than I do elections for offices. Proposition 8 is the one I've paid the closest attention to, and it's the one that's sickened me the most.
The amount of rage... the sheer quantity of deception... it's ridiculous. And shameful.
Far from being a progressive haven, California is just as divided as any other state when it comes to certain things. Sure, it's a "blue" state. But so are many others. And when it comes to gay rights, the state that is home to San Francisco has shown itself to be more conservative than one would think.
The only solace to be found here is that this is only temporary. Prop. 8 will eventually be repealed. Constitutions are not meant for putting limits on what citizens can do. They're for limiting government. Eventually, it will fall.
Maybe then I might actually feel some sort of pride in living here.
Unknown "Sweetest" Sleepy
- 16 years, 4 months, 2 days ago