Being still a NEWBIE, I've been sitting here looking at this 'Comments' window for a while, contemplating the empty space inviting me to share, and wondering, 'what do I share?', 'where do I start?', 'what do people want to know?"
Do I share about my life on a South African farm with land claims looming over us, facing the possibility of losing our farm soon?...... or just funny Farmyard tales of things that happen, such as Goz, my gosling, a hibrid cross between a Spurwing Goose and an ordinary domestic goose?
Do I share about my kids nagging me to write my memoirs and, frankly, not knowing where to start, or how to go about it.... (guess it's from the beginning) me being born in the Belgium Congo, coming to SA as a refugee, marrying a Presbyterian minister, life in a manse, divorce etc (and much much more).
Do I share my battle with Trigemenal Neuralgia, one of the most painful affliction a human can experience (use to be known as the 'Suicide Disease')?
Ahhhhhhh questions, questions, questions!!! Lemme think more about it!!
Unknown "SunFlower" Loyal
- 16 years, 6 months, 8 days ago