Chrissy "Chrissy"Scared
- 16 years, 5 months, 9 days ago
The Yin Or Yang Quiz
My Quiz Result:You are more Yang than Yin. Yin and Yang are two complementary qualities. They make up the whole. The qualities of Yang are characterized as positive, active, bright, strong, and correspond to the daytime.
Your sign is the sign of Lakhamu, the serpent Lady of battles. She is the female half of the two headed snake, her brother being Lakmu. You are a fighter and also worshiped as a Mesopotamian Goddess. You are viewed as a Satanic creature to some... an unearthly being of the devil... but you keep your warrior-like attitude despite of ridicule. After all, you're a Goddess, right? You are the fifth sign of the black Zodiac. The murderous, strong, prideful, Lady of Battles.
Note to customers: You will find that some items I have had out are not available anymore. This is because I only leave items in my shop that sell well in the first 24 hours that they're there. If you'd like a specific item that isn't available, I would be glad to try and put it back up for you for a limited time. Just ask! :) Blessings!!