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:S Weirder then weird ♥ | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: :S Weirder then weird ♥
Led by Chrissy | 6 members

We're the weirdest of the weird. The coolest of the weird. We're the ones you want to hang out with to get the best laugh of your life, or to have the most awkward experience. You don't mind talking about farts, burps, or poo...jokes are great, punny or not; you can be pervvy, but with class...not crass....and spam? we love it. Why? because we love thumbs and points and hellz yea I would dance in the rain in my undies, if dared...maybe if not... :P So, if you think you can take it, think you fit, even if you don't and you want to laugh a little about the grossness that is and forever will be. Come in. Spam. Bam. Thank you Ma'am.
Herd leaders

Chrissy Chrissy "Chrissy" Scared

Jimmery Jimmery "Jimmery" Rabid