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Robin | - Free online hangout and friends
Unknown owns this human at 100831 points.


Robin , 33/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:6:07 AM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 28 days ago
Location: W. Richland United States

"Hoping, Wishing, Waiting"
About me:
I'm Robin. In my day I've been known to be quite the cute little thing- not my fault, I'm just loveable...normally. I bite when frightened or angered, so watch your fingers. As a pet, well give me pen and paper and I'll entertain by writing poetry. If you give me a microphone, I'll sing you a song. If you give me a cherry flavored lollipop I'll make you laugh to no end (they're my favorite). I do everything I can to the best of my ability- mediocrity is never an option. I have an obsession for exotic coconut lotion from bath and body works, I'm an Irish dancer and teacher, and it's been said that I can play the ukulele. Leave me love and I'll thumb something of yours or give you some great conversation.<3
About you:
Who I'd like to meet, hm? Well honestly just don't be a punk (not the stereotype, the personality) and I'll get along with you.
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight

50 pts
Robin's tales
A new one!

Hi everyone! Its been so long since I've written anything on here- I sorta feel bad. So, uh, here's something I wrote that is relatively new. I mean, I think its from the summertime, maybe the autumn.

Nature Calls
Raven flies
As I cross the path and enter the wood.
The forest welcomes me with arms,
green with springtime rejuvenation.
Our intimate embrace could last my life.

I have but a moment,
to ponder the spectacle of the present satisfaction.
Butterfly has passed by on the breeze,
Sun shines through branches, making
Sun shine on Moss below.
I stroll through,
a traveler wishing for peace.

I tread on
through many a glade.
Creatures of the day continue living,
I yearn for their tranquility.
Rabbit hops about the floor,
wanting grass.
Birds twitter and chat in the trees,
I smile, not wanting to go through this place.

The tumult of the city can be heard now.
I awake from my dream.
The rush of cars,
the noises of everyday people.
I hear feet on the streets, droning on
and on
and on.

Looking back,
The green waves an endearing goodbye.
I walk under the grey cloud of anxiety
not with anxiety itself
but with a jovial spirit.

The wood calls my name,
“I see you, I feel you, I am your peace of mind.”

Robin "MintWater" Tired - 16 years, 19 days ago
The random me:

1.I like grape juice more than any other juice. Ever. Nothing comes close.

2.Coconut lotiondisable=love.

3. I love animals, and they love me too...normally.

4. Piccolo Parakeet's the coolest bird in the world. He's got white feathers, and a spot of grey under his eyes where it looks like he's been crying. He's my emo buddy. hehe.

5. I talk really fast when I'm excited or mad.

6. Starbucks= lifeline

7. I'm an Irish dancer. We wear tiaras and sparkly dresses. (yay)

8. I'm really bored a lot of the time. So I write tales and poetry about random things.

9. Just recently I firgured out what day it was.

10. I make weird faces. If you wanna see sometime, just ask to webcam with me using SKYPE (since skype's like a smoothie- God's gift to mankind)

11. Oh yeah, I like smoothies..Jamba Juice is the second lifeline.

12. My hero is C.S. Lewis.

13. My other hero is my sister, Kaylene.

14. My favorite color is dark blue.

15. Really random fact: I've only been kissed..twice.

16. Not all of Washington is green! I live in a desert.

17. Rain is the best weather in the world.

18. I'm a sweetheart, and I'm single. Weird, huh? Yeah I think so too...

19. Batman's the best superhero ever, since I've got the name of his sidekick. OH! I've gotta tell you about my fish: haha. Okay so I bought a black betta fish on Ebay and named him Batman since I'm Robin for my birthday, my two besties got me a betta fish and named him Joker. hehe I thought it was cute.

20. Last but not least. I don't like texting. I'd rather talk to someone all night on the phone than text. Texting takes too much finger power.
Robin "MintWater" Tired - 16 years, 11 months, 15 days ago
The looming grey covered the beach as they walked,
Collecting shells together each morning as was tradition.
She was five, he was seventy-seven.
“Grandpa, why’s this one broken?”
Blue eyes were teary as the girl held the fragile shell for him to see.

The aging man sighed and looked down at the little girl.
Wind was blowing her soft blond curls this way and that,
A gentle smile came to him as the shell was gently taken.
He eyed it, unsure of what to say.

“It’s a little thing called love.
You find one half
And your other half is found by another.
Though your family will want you forever
He will only make you whole.”

Giggling, his granddaughter skipped along.
“Grandpa, how do you know?”
The old man’s eyes twinkled-
Memories of grandma pulled at his heart
And out of his pocket he pulled out a broken shell.

Robin "MintWater" Tired - 17 years, 2 months, 4 days ago

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a cute basset hound puppy You have been given a cute basset hound puppy.
Crafted by Kelly Klein
Jeff "Jeffy!" Daring - 15 years, 10 months, 26 days ago
Jeff "Jeffy!" Daring - 15 years, 11 months, 10 days ago
Austin T

you smell yummy ;] You have been given you smell yummy ;].
Crafted by Samantha Lee
Austin T "Zombie Jeebus" Naughty - 15 years, 11 months, 11 days ago
My owner rocks!
You were taken on a trip! You have been treated to ice cream.
Jeff "Jeffy!" Daring - 15 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
oh yay ~n~ hai hai hai
You have been given Big Hugzzzz!.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "jeffy <3 " Content - 16 years, 2 months, 23 days ago
Dylan Sloboda
Cool, where are you going for the photography trip? I'm doing well. I'm actually planning on doing alittle trip into Philadelphia to get some pictures around the art museum. The back parkinglot has a nice overview of the city and I'm hoping on getting some pictures of the medieval stuff on display to use as inspiration for something I'm working on.
You have been given Norhen Lights.
Crafted by Lee
Dylan Sloboda "fluffles" Lonely - 16 years, 4 months, 19 days ago
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Robin's shop
The Coconut Grove

I swear it's random, but really adorable. If you really want something on here, or you want something specific, just talk to me and we can figure something out. More to come, also!!

Be happy!
1 use

200 pts
Be happy!
Bought by 9 people
Walk with me?
1 use

150 pts
Walk with me?
Bought by 9 people
Even our shadows show our love
1 use

200 pts
Even our shadows show our love
Bought by 13 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 2 people
I think our love is blossoming..
1 use

250 pts
I think our love is blossoming..
Bought by 6 people
Shall we have a conversation?
1 use

200 pts
Shall we have a conversation?
Bought by 13 people
A rose for you
1 use

200 pts
A rose for you
Bought by 3 people
I'll sing for you
1 use

200 pts
I'll sing for you
Bought by 10 people
hehe, you're cute
1 use

200 pts
hehe, you're cute
Bought by 3 people
omg, weirdo. lol
1 use

200 pts
omg, weirdo. lol
Bought by 42 people
Fish Fish?
1 use

200 pts
Fish Fish?
Bought by 2 people
We kiss better than the Irish!
1 use

200 pts
We kiss better than the Irish!
Bought by 3 people
Just thinking about you...
1 use

250 pts
Just thinking about you...
Bought by 13 people
Don't be so lonely.
1 use

200 pts
Don't be so lonely.
Bought by 8 people

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