1. Do not FALL in LOVE every time you FALL in BED
2. Learn to detach emotionally
3. Sex does not equal to commitment
4. Do not revolve your entire life around HIM/HER
5. Addiction is bad for your health
6. Do not cling, act needy or demand
7. Doormats are for your feet and not your heart
8. Its OK to say NO
9. Stop talking too much NEVER reveal everything
10. Do not grill them or their friends for information
11. Master the art of Listening
12. Treat HIM/HER as your BESTFRIEND
13. Friendship creates long term love and comes before sex
14. Forget about fixing your partner it will never happen
15. Your choice of partner is a reflection of who you are and who you are not
16. Enjoy the moment first, live the present
17. Don't worry about the Ex's or start naming your future children
18. Never read their Journal or go through their paper work
19. If you have no TRUST you have no RELATIONSHIP
20. Allow space and freedom between you
21. Do not always be available
22. Calling frequently is a turn off and a sign of insecurity, neediness and control
23. Open your eyes to LIES and CHEATING or close them, justify the bad behavior and live with the consequences. Little or no Eye contact?
24. Start walking, they wont even notice your gone
25. Anyone preoccupied with their physical appearance and dress, usually have very little or no time to offer from within
26. Look beyond the physical
27. Never compromise your values
28. If you OVERGIVE, you will loose your lover and his respect
29. Do not loose your identity
30. December/May relationships are great. However seasons change and the May lover will sooner or later hear the call of Spring. If someone really wants to be with you, they will be.
31. Sleeping with someone married? Do not count on him divorcing anytime soon
32. State your personal rules in the beginning or expect them.
33. But most of all be tough, be strong, be read, be firm and be confident. If things did not work out the way you want them to be, LET GO and START ALL OVER AGAIN
Unknown "Princess" Sparkling
- 17 years, 7 days ago