I can't even describe the dullness of filling different kind of work applications desperately in hope getting a shitty job some day.
One good opening is what I need. Is that too much to ask of all my trouble and pain? :P
They don't understand me at all. They don't. All they had to do was to pick up the phone and tell me good news. That's a fact.
Now who will tell me good news? My doctor? My ex-wife? My little son? Someone I barely know?
Who cares. Who gives a shit? It's all gone to hell and there's no going back so why do I sit on my ass waiting for "something"? Why?
This is the reason I quit human pets. There's nothing here I want my life to be. There's nothing in my current life I want to keep the way it has been. Therefore: everything must pass, everythign must change, everything goes and out the door RIGHT NOW!
I'm sick of people telling me what to do even though I would definitely know, they are absolutely right. I've tried the righteous path and did walk on it's rocky pasture side for so many years. There were times I did fall and times someone pulled me up, sometimes with a dirty hand, sometimes with a bloody one.
I've decided, once again, to take back what's mine: my life, even if it kills me.
Unknown Lonely
- 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago