I am a short 4'11. I have medium length red hair and eyes that are blue but change colors according to my moods and the light in the room. I am a woman who is ruled by her emotions.
I really love reading, writing and cuddling. I often play far too much on my PC and spend a lot of time playing D&D with friends during the week. I have been often called a Geek. I not only love playing D&D but I also enjoy RP online with NWN. I also tend to play really old games that will only load is DosBox, ah lovely DosBox games...I will never be tired of you ^__^
When I am out and about you will almost never spot me without my MP3 player as music is a huge part of my life. I love it to bits, it just seems to say the words that I sometimes can't figure out.
About you:
Who I'd like to meet:
A person warm hearted, kind, sweet, caring of others… also gentle, compassionate, & fun loving. A person who will listen to what I have to say as well as like me for me, not just looks & wanting sex.
A person who calls me beautiful instead of hot, who calls me back when I hang up on them, who will lie under the stars and listen to my heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch me sleep... for the one who kisses my forehead, who wants to show me off to the world when I’m in sweats, who holds my hand in front of their friends, who thinks I’m just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding me of how much they care and how lucky they are to have ME... The one who turns to their friends and says, "That’s her"....
I usually wouldn't post videos, however I LOVE this song! ^__^ Slipknot - Psychosocial Sheri Beer"Chibi Kitsume"Loyal
- 16 years, 2 months, 29 days ago
I really Liked this So I wanted to share ^___^
Sheri Beer"Chibi Kitsume"Loyal
- 17 years, 15 days ago
Lonely Soul
Alone Standing impaired; Diminished my Soul begins to cry out..."Hey all I wanted is what’s real, something I can touch I can feel.... I’ll hold it close I'll never let it go...To love and to be loved.... so why? Why am I forced to live this life with all this hurt inside...this pain that just wont go away...and why, why can't I find one reason as to what’s this life for...all these thorns in my side...all this pain.... I DONT WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!...Please, Please help me...help me find a place, somewhere Far Away...Far Far Far Away I'll Go...And You won't have to see me again.... Just Take Me Away..... I then lean against a cold,dark, & hard tree and slide down slowly to the bottom pulling my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around my leggs then laying my head down upon my lap while the tears begin to flow unremittingly. I feel alone, scared...my heart aches...my soul cries out for consolation. This agony is becomeing too much to bear....Oh God how much longer must I endure this anguish... I then close my eyes and begin to rock my body slowly back and forth against the tree humming, " Please come now...i think i'm falling...falling away from me...i think i'm no longer safe...hold me now, i need someone please...oh,these thoughts...thoughts that are guiding me to the kife.... oh please come now...i think i am falling...." I then lean over falling into the groud face burried within my warm, trembling hands crying so hard the colour within my face turns a hot burning red, My long shinny golden red hair now bathed in my sorrows; soaked in my tears & the cold earth beneath my trembling flesh, my mind drifting off to a place of complete agony as I fall back upon my knees begging please, please please come help me....Can anyone Hear me utters from my trembling lips as the warm salty tears flow down my soft silken flesh...Oh, I'm so alone.
-Author Sheri Beer Sheri Beer"Chibi Kitsume"Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
Trapped In The Awake of a Dream
Walking around outside it doesn’t take long for my mind to familiarize this place of Déjà vu, I feel as if I had been here before. I look up and watch as the sky melts away to red. Memories flood through my head at what seems like 100 miles p/h. I place my hands upon the side of my face clenching hard upon my pounding head feeling dizzy I close my eyes and try to reassure myself it’s alright, this can’t be another fight! I then look up in terror as I feel Forces All around me, waiting for me to fail.
"What The Fuck do You Want!” I shout out loud as I feel them enclose all around me squeezing the breath I had left in me away. I look out and watch everything around me burn away as more come near. My heart jumps a beat as they try to penetrate this barrier I have around me.
My soul begins to infill in rage as I then gather all my strength deep within me taking my hands from around my wounded and inflamed sides from their skin now pressing against mine and extending my arms out pushing them all back away from me with full force… SCREAMING, "WHY WON’T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!?”
My eyes now blood red as I gaze around arms extended out feet planted firmly upon the ground as my dry chapped lips begin to widen, eyes fixated upon them crawling slowly towards me with their heads lowered and arms extending out to me while pointing their bony rotting fleshy fingers directly at me their whispers penetrating my ears like nails upon a chalkboard slicing my silken flesh so smoothly. Warm, thick, sticky blood now running slowly down the sides of my face as I gather myself and place my right hand upon the right side of my face and wipe some of the warm, red, wet blood off my silken flesh and slide my fingers onto my mouth licking the blood off my silken red lips tasting the very power the runs through my veins.
Eyes widen as my mouth smirks a grin then biting firmly upon my bottom lip while I say...."Mmmm ONLY A SCRATCH.... As I bend down to hip height extending out my hands from my sides and raising them up to my shoulders fingers now spread wide as I grip a hold of the force within my soul building a energy so powerful I never knew existed within my hands as I raise to full body height taking my right foot and firmly placing it in front of me as I lean back slightly holding this powerful energy within my grasp bringing my hands firmly to my chest as my flesh now glows from this powerful energy eyes fixated upon these creatures that stand here before me as I let loose this Magnificent power aiming it to the very core of this monstrosity hitting them with such force slinging them back into the distance. Now, Breathing heavily, tasting the salty sweat as it mixes with the warm blood gliding down my face slowly as I look up and Scream at the top of my lungs, "LOOK AT ME! AT LEAST LOOK AT ME WHEN YOU TRY TO DEMOLISH MY EXSISTANCE!!!" -Author Sheri Beer Sheri Beer"Chibi Kitsume"Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
Tears of Blood
I always find myself locked inside my head trying to figure everything out in my life, from my past to whats happening right now... I hate the feeling that now lives in the pit of my stomach tormenting my soul. I have anger and pain all bottled up inside about everything and i don't know how to release this irritation other than through my writting....i feel like i can kill sometimes, and that scares me.
"I feel the tears begin to flow down my soft silken flesh as my mind moves towards this pain that has burned a hole in my soul killing everything I had left to live. The thoughts from my mind cutting through me deeper as I look around and see these same four walls. I stand alone here in the middle of the room my arms raised up high into the cold air as I scream out loud..."What is there left to live for.... this is the life I have left t live.... these 4 walls...when will I die! Can ANYONE hear me? ...I'm So Alone!" These warm tears now flowing harder making a puddle upon the floor as I collapse down upon my knees falling over face buried into the floor as I scream out in agony, feeling my heart begin to rip in two.... my life is slipping away. I then lean back onto my feet siting there on the floor crying out "why is this the life I have to live?"
Now, moving over closer back into my corner watching the rest of my life fade away as I persist to sit here curled up with my knees buried into my chest as I wrap my arms around my legs crying so hard my eyes are bleeding...looking down at my refection in these tears of Blood, singing “I have nothing left to give, Please take it all away.” " -Author Sheri Beer Sheri Beer"Chibi Kitsume"Loyal
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago