AMused by wat human being do over tight situation
SGD says:
neither r u in any position to criticise my bf
SGD says:
i hate to tell u, but ur own bf has tried to date me, saying to hold my hands n kiss me
SGD says:
if u dun believe, i have sPoken abt this to richmond before, n have chat logs
(-_-") Duno how other ppl view this but I personally felt tt this person is trying to "divert" the attention from the "borrow $$ haven pay" part to sumthing more sinster, like hoping tt I would be angry n pissed with my bf n confronted him AND 4get abit the money thingy. Well, even tho i was in a PMS-moment at tt period, I din fall for it n blow up.
Aft which I even did ask Richy if such incident did take part since SHE claim tt Richy knew abt it. And~~by which he said "Nope". And of coz Nelz mention tt it's not true, nothing more than a friendly joking way.
Well, who's telling the truth and who is not? That's for u all to decide.
Unknown "~ EVA ~" Feisty
- 16 years, 5 months, 28 days ago