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Kaan Gokce

Kaan Gokce, 39/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:7:37 AM
Join date:17 years, 5 months, 10 days ago
Location: Istanbul Turkey

About me:
''Better starve free than be a fat slave. There is nothing worth so much as liberty.''
About you:
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): kaan's wolfie thumb herd:)
Herds: Shadow Wolf Pack, VIP - Very Important Pets, I ♡ Human Pets, GOTH and METAL HEADS, PACK of 1000 howls, UnitedNations of Long Haired Men, From the Soul ,deep deep down., ღKawaii shopsღ, Sinem's, herd closed!
"Lost Control NFS"
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derya yagmur
"green day"
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"French Wine"
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"Red Wolf NFS "
70 pts

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Kaan's tales
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Kaan Gokce
A Werewolf legend


The plague was raging in Europe, and werewolves and Vampires roamed the night looking for clean victims to fulfill their blood-lust. It was in this time that people were fleeing their homes in the towns to avoid the plague. Most took refuge in the Forests, while others in the Transylvanian Alps. It was in this time and these dark and foreboding mountains that a grizzly event took place...

Bala Bideski and his family had fled their home into the mountains as the plague took a firm grip of their town (they were the last to escape, and some would say later that it was unfortunate that they did). Bala, his wife Chelitha, his two sons Christopher and Thengal, and his daughter Tahlia had set up a comfortable home in the forested hills that surrounded the mountains. One day Bala and his two sons (Chris 14 and Thengal 16) were cutting and gathering wood for the fire as it was almost Winter and they'd need a large stock-pile to get through the freezing conditions. Chris had wondered off from his father and was getting closer and closer to the steep incline of the mountains rough surface. He was about to return to his father when he heard the whimpering of what sounded like pups. He moved towards the sound, until he came upon a den in a small clearing. There in the mouth of the den were two beautiful pups, one of which looked strangely human. Chris came close to the pups and picked one of them up. After a while of petting the wolf-pup he put it back on the ground and left the area to find his father and brother.

Not long after the young boy had left, the she-wolf returned to her den to find one of her pups covered in the smell of humans. The father of the pups was a lycanthrope who preferred to stay in wolf form, and he was livid...The lycanthrope had no choice but to kill his pup that had been handled by a human. After he did the deed, the werewolf went looking for the human perpetrator...It wasn't long before he found the trail and followed it to a small hut on the hills in the forest.

It was getting quite late when the family decided to turn in for the night. Chris laid down and his mother doused the lights. In the early hours of the morning came a "howling " that pierced the night. Chris awoke with a start. He looked around the room he shared with his older brother. The moon outside was full so a stream of silver light poured in through the window above his bed, he could see the shadow of a small tree just outside his window against the far wall...But the shadow of the tree changed, in a second, into the shadow of a wolf standing on its hind legs. Except this wolf was huge...Bigger than any man Chris had ever seen.

" Thengal!!!!" Chris whispered, "Wake up!!!"

Thengal stirred under his bed covers then opened his eyes... There at the window, silhouetted by the full moon was a wolf-man...Its eyes burned red and glowed. Thengal sat up in his bed...As he did the creature dived through the window frame and landed on Thengals bed. The werewolf tore at Thengals chest and neck, ripping out vital organs and his wind-pipe as he did so. By the time the wolf-creature was through the sixteen year old boys body lay in tatters on the bed. The wolf turned to Chris, but as it did the door to the room (a long piece of material) was thrown open and Bala and Chelitha bounded into the room. The werewolf flung its huge body out the window once more. Chelitha ran to her dead sons bed and screamed her sorrow, while Bala grabbed his pitch-fork (which he kept at the huts door) and ran out the door... As Bala left the hut a massive claw knocked him into their winter stock-pile of wood, knocking him unconscious. Moments later he awoke to find the wolf towering over him. The werewolf bent down and let the nail of its index finger to touch Bala's Adams-apple. Then, with one quick flinch of its finger, the wolf-thing sliced along Bala's neck, making him choke on his own blood...Now the wolf-man entered the house once more, this time through the door...

Chelitha's sobs could be heard as the werewolf moved silently through the house to Tahlia's room. The twelve year old girl was sound asleep in her bed as the wolfs shadow moved over her body. Tahlia awoke and looked at the creature...She gave a scream as its jaws closed in on her face and slammed shut, in one swift movement, on her face...The wolf-creature stood and spat blood and pieces of flesh and bone onto the dirt floor. Chelitha ran into the room to find her daughters faceless body laying dead on the floor (where she had ended up), and the beast that did it standing there looking at her. Horror and fear shot through her distraught body. She ran back to her son's room and grabbed Chris. They were about to flee the hut, when the wolf-creature stood in the door-way. Chelitha pulled her last remaining child to her breast. Chris closed his eyes and prayed...All remained silent, so he looked up at his mother's face...But her head was gone...Her body fell to the ground with a thud...

Chris looked about his room... Death was everywhere...But there was no wolf-thing...He stumbled through the house and out the door to exit the hut... There he found his dead father...Shocked and frightened, Chris stumbled into the forest, his breath making plumes in the air...


The next Summer a group of woodsmen found the rotting corpses in the hut. They new that the family had consisted of two son's so they searched the area, but found no trace...For years the rumor circulated that the young boy, Chris, had gone crazy due to the isolation the family endured and had killed them all...Until over ten years later a group of children playing in the forest found the decayed body of a young boy...The authorities found a necklace around the boys neck, this made identification of the body easier as the necklace was very distinctive...They found that the body was of Chris, the missing child of the massacred family.

This story was reportedly told to a Publican who swore he was told by the thing that did these horrible crimes. Apparently after he was told the story, the Publican was attacked by the man, who "changed" into a wolf-like creature...The thing was frightened off, before it could inflict any injury bar a bump on the head, by a group of hunters who'd heard a commotion behind the pub.

A Werewolf legend

This story was then told through the ages in many different countries, until my Nanna from Wales told it to me...

submitted by a 'Visitor'

Kaan Gokce "Haji" Growling - 16 years, 6 months, 16 days ago
Kaan Gokce
I am The White Wolf

I am the Ice Wolf
I'm white as the snow
My heart is a jumble
As i sort through the mess

All that i knew
Is gone in a flash
As man hunts us down

One by one
We fade away
Under the night sky

But know this
Man, the true murderer
Thou our numbers may dwindle
Our friends and family gone

Together we run as one
For one day we shall be
The masters once again

For we unite when times become ruff
We depend on each other
Stand strong and tough

As long as we run
The world that is free
As long as we are one
With each other and thee

And so i tell you
As both human and wolf
As neither human nor wolf

We mush unite
Learn from each other
Listen to the spirit inside

I am the Ice
I am the cold
I am the warm white in the snow

I am the master
I am my master
I am a hunter

I am proud
To be as i am
I am me and
That is all that i am

I am the spirit
I am the snow
I am the heart and the soul

Kaan Gokce "Haji" Growling - 16 years, 6 months, 16 days ago
Kaan Gokce
The Wolf ceremony

I wanted to give something of my past to my grandson. So I took him into the woods, to a quiet spot. Seated at my feet he listened as I told him of the powers that were given to each creature. He moved not a muscle as I explained how the woods had always provided us, with food,homes,comfort and religion. He was awed when I related to him how the Wolf became our guardian, and when I told him that I would sing the Sacred Wolf Song over him, he was overjoyed.

I wanted to give something of my past to my grandson. So I took him into the woods, to a quiet spot. Seated at my feet he listened as I told him of the powers that were given to each creature. He moved not a muscle as I explained how the woods had always provided us, with food,homes,comfort and religion. He was awed when I related to him how the Wolf became our guardian, and when I told him that I would sing the Sacred Wolf Song over him, he was overjoyed.

In my song, I appealed to the Wolf to come and preside over us while I would perform the Wolf ceremony so that the bondage between my grandson and the wolf would be lifelong.

I Sang.
In my voice was the hope that clings to every heartbeat.
I Sang.
In my words were the powers I inherited from my forefathers.
I Sang.
In my cupped hands lay a spruce seed...the link of creation.
I Sang.
In my eyes sparkled Love.
I Sang.

And the song floated on the sun's rays from tree to tree. When i was ended, it was if the whole world listened with us to hear the Wolf's reply.

We waited a long time but none came. Again I sang, humbly but as invitingly as I could, until my throat ached and my voice gave out. All of a sudden, I realized why no Wolves had heard my sacred song?!.

There were none left! My heart filled with tears. I could no longer give my grandson faith in the past, our past.

At last I could whisper to him:"It is finished!"

"Can I go home now?" He asked, checking his watch to see if he would still be in time to catch his favorite program on TV

I watched him disappear and wept in silence.

All is Finished!

Story By Cheif Dan George (1899-1981)

Kaan Gokce "Haji" Growling - 16 years, 6 months, 16 days ago
Kaan Gokce
Ankakumikaityn the Nomad Wolf - A Siberian Tale

One summer the fox heard that Ankakumikaityn the nomad wolf was courting his neighbor, the elder she-dog. So the wily fox made himself an outfit of wolf's clothing: a grey fur cloak, boots and cap. Then, when the she-dog's brothers were away and she was at home with her younger sister, he called upon her.

"I have two herds of fat reindeer," said the fox to the elder sister, as he sipped the bilberry tea she offered him. "I have come to seek your hand."

Thinking that this was, indeed, Ankakumikaityn the nomad wolf, the she-dog treated him to reindeer meat, hot mare's-blood sausages, raw walrus liver and pickled fish, the very choicest pieces. All the while, the fox sat in his cap, unwilling to take it off lest he be recognized.

"Being a wealthy person," he explained, "I keep my cap on that people might respect me."All of a sudden, the sound of dogs barking could be heard from afar."It is my brothers returning from hunting," the she-dog said."Oh dear," exclaimed the fox, "they will likely scare my herds. I must run to caution them."

Once away from the tent, the fox quickly dashed up the nearby hill and loosened some rocks. When the dog brothers came in sight, he pushed the boulders down the hillside and crushed them all. Thereupon, he returned to the tent and finished his tea, charming the sisters with his oily-tongued tales. As dusk fell and the sisters were busy about their housework, he made off with all their food supplies.

Early next morning, the sisters became most alarmed on discovering their supplies gone and their brothers still absent. As they searched the valley and found their poor brothers dead, they wept in despair.

"Who could have done us such harm?" they wailed. In their sorrow, they decided to go to Ankakumikaityn to seek his counsel. The nomad wolf was puzzled. "But I never came to you yesterday!" he exclaimed.

It was not long before the sisters realized they had been tricked by the fox. With the wolf's help, they worked out a plan to get their revenge.

Next day, the fox, unaware that he had been discovered called on the sisters again dressed as Ankakumikaityn. But this time they were expecting him. While the fox drank bilberry tea and exchanged pleasantries, the nomad wolf stealthily entered the tent, grabbed the treacherous fox and tied him up.

"What shall we do with the scoundrel?"asked the wolf. "Let's put him in a sack and leave him in the tundra," suggested the two sisters. That they did. The poor fox almost fainted from fright, wondering what his fate would be. At last, he was set down with a bump; the younger sister collected a heap of dry grass and brushwood for a fire, piled it round the sack, surrounded the tinder with stones and then lit the fire. Poor fox. He at last burst out of the burning sack, his wolf's clothing aflame, and rushed headlong over the tundra like a burning torch. Satisfied at their revenge, the dog sisters and the wolf returned to the tent.

Ankakumikaityn wed the elder sister, and the younger dog looked after their children. Some time later, she found herself a husband too. Since that time red foxes began to appear in the tundra. So it seems that wily old fox, scorched and fiery red, managed to survive his roasting after all.

-Russian Wolf Fable-
Kaan Gokce "Haji" Growling - 16 years, 6 months, 16 days ago
Kaan Gokce
A gaunt Wolf was almost dead with hunger when he happened to
meet a House-dog who was passing by. "Ah, Cousin," said the

"I knew how it would be; your irregular life will soon be the ruin
of you. Why do you not work steadily as I do, and get your food
regularly given to you?"

"I would have no objection," said the Wolf, "if I could only get a

"I will easily arrange that for you," said the Dog; "come with me
to my master and you shall share my work."

So the Wolf and the Dog went towards the town together. On the
way there the Wolf noticed that the hair on a certain part of the
Dog's neck was very much worn away, so he asked him how that
had come about.

"Oh, it is nothing," said the Dog. "That is only the place where
the collar is put on at night to keep me chained up; it chafes a bit,
but one soon gets used to it."

"Is that all?" said the Wolf. "Then good-bye to you, Master Dog."

''Better starve free than be a fat slave.
There is nothing worth so much as liberty.''

Kaan Gokce "Haji" Growling - 16 years, 9 months, 12 days ago
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grace andrew

by grace
Dearest one, My name is grace, I am very happy to view your profile here today,as I'm interested in knowing you.reply me through my private email address at ( ) so that i can write you and send you my picture. Yours truly grace
grace andrew - 10 years, 11 months, 19 days ago
Mau Tashenubaste
Meyowl to you, sexy wolf! =^.^=
Wow! Thank you for the present! You have been given Wow! Thank you for the present!.
Crafted by Unknown
Mau Tashenubaste "M T" Tired - 12 years, 9 months, 21 days ago
Mau Tashenubaste
You look positively delicious... :3
I like you... You have been given I like you... .
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Mau Tashenubaste "M T" Tired - 12 years, 9 months, 22 days ago

Hello my pretty You have been given Hello my pretty.
Crafted by BatCat
Moontan "My dark queen" Noita-Kallio ROCK - 12 years, 9 months, 23 days ago

Have a wicked weekend You have been given Have a wicked weekend.
Crafted by Dark Angel
Moontan "My dark queen" Noita-Kallio ROCK - 12 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
Elisabeth Bathory

A wolf was here You have been given A wolf was here.
Crafted by Kaan Gokce
Elisabeth Bathory "namelos" Shut up and Kiss Me! - 12 years, 9 months, 23 days ago
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Kaan's shop

Freak.. just made goods :))

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