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erh I'm in Tokyo but I'm feeling kinda of lost right now. you put energy into gettting someplace and you realize that while its better most of your problems are still there. don't know what to do in order to move forward... .
Unknown "Flex" Wild - 16 years, 24 days ago
I now know how to write necrophilia in Kanji... Why do the gods feed me this completely inappropriate knowledge?! why couldn't it have been the Kanji for brotherhood or unity or something less....

sigh whatever, the chaos that surrounds me usually works out well for me any way
Unknown "Flex" Wild - 16 years, 1 month, 26 days ago
Well these things are more for myself than for others so thanks if you thumb but I can't guarantee a thumb back. I have effectively left human pets and this is just a moderately safe place to write down my thoughts.

1. the new year is coming and I am once more overwhelmed with that sheer potential I see.
Last year I felt something similar but no were near this magnitude. the change is only myself I have become more proactive. I still have no idea what I want but I'm being more willing to go look for it( cause its not in Philly or I'm not ready to see it) this time last year I had plans to go to Tokyo but nothing too concrete but now I know that even if Tokyo isn't a dream come true like everyone says its is I will survive the disappointment and if its more than what everyone else says then I'll work like a maniac to go back. I'm worried that I have a bit of tunnel vision in terms of getting back to Paris( still don't really comprehend why I loved Paris so much >.<) I'm not even coherent words are so inefficient

2. I want to be able to speak 6 languages by my 25th birthday! that leaves me 5 years to learn 3 languages! ( japanese, Portuguese and Italian) I'm cheating a bit cause I already speak Spanish and french but I've wanted to learn Italian since I knew what it was. No real reason just decided I want to learn it. hopefully posting this here will motivate me.

Unknown "Flex" Wild - 16 years, 2 months, 6 days ago
Well these things are more for myself than for others so thanks if you thumb but I can't guarantee a thumb back. I have effectively left human pets and this is just a moderately safe place to write down my thoughts.

1. the new year is coming and I once more overwhelmed with that sheer potential I see.
Last year I felt something similar but no were near this magnitude. the change is only myself I have become more proactive. I still have no idea what I want but I'm being more proactive. this time last year I had plans to go to Tokyo but nothing too concrete but now I know that even if Tokyo isn't a dream come true like everyone says its is I will survive the disappointment and if its more than what everyone else says then I'll work like a maniac to go back. I'm worried that I have a bit of tunnel vision in terms of getting back to Paris( still don't really comprehend why I loved Paris so much >.<)

2. I want to be able to speak 6 languages by my 25th birthday! that leaves me 5 years to learn 3 languages! ( japanese, Portuguese and Italian) I'm cheating a bit cause I already speak Spanish and french but I've wanted to learn Italian since I knew what it was. No real reason just decided I want to learn it. hopefully posting this here will motivate me.

Unknown "Flex" Wild - 16 years, 2 months, 6 days ago
just marveling at the way life is. 2 years ago I fully prepared to give up on life and using the shreds of my sanity to pretend so that I could blend into the crowd better. now I feel saner than ever before, but I act crazier because I can't bother pretending anymore.

I don't want to rule the world I just want to be richer than God, meet some interesting people, see the world, and find a way to live with as few regrets as possible, and complete my list of things to do before I die.
Unknown "Flex" Wild - 16 years, 2 months, 28 days ago
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Just Passing By You have been given Just Passing By.
Crafted by Just M
Unknown "eX tra baby" Tired - 16 years, 5 days ago
Flex sounded like a good name, lol...have any suggestions? How's it going anyways? xoxo
Hello You have been given Hello.
Crafted by ovoon
Unknown "DreamCatcher" Intrigued - 16 years, 9 days ago
The moose is okay. It's the prions I fear the most. When I'm bored I play with duct tape.

How would a turkey vulture's poop cool off it's feet. -_-
Unknown "Fifi Trixy bunny" Sparkling - 16 years, 16 days ago
Wow been ages since I been here really been here. I think. My mind always goes to strange places. It's great. Fun times.
Unknown "Fifi Trixy bunny" Sparkling - 16 years, 18 days ago
Hey there!! So whatcha studying at Temple? xoxo
You have been given my undivided attention.
Crafted by Crissy Llora
Unknown "DreamCatcher" Intrigued - 16 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
Taqmina Begum Miah
You have been given Happy Pills.
Crafted by Unknown
Taqmina Begum Miah "taq.c" Emo - 16 years, 1 month, 25 days ago
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