Now some of the teeny tiny birds... these are love birds for those who have scratched thier heads.... and Paul.... you were close on the elephant guess!!! HAHAHAHAHA but I think I will need to feed them alot more if they are to bulk out HAHAHAHA... So far they are doing well... doing all the correct things and all looks good...
Persia "~Mystic~"
- 15 years, 4 months, 19 days ago
I have some new photos of the babies... the guinea pigs are just about weaned now.. yeah, it does not take long they are clever little critters.... all are doing well and soon I shall pass them along to thier owner... she will be pleased *grin*
Persia "~Mystic~"
- 15 years, 4 months, 19 days ago
Had a busy day today... mostly for medical reasons for myself... ya know the type, blood tests, dentists... getting stuck with needles mainly LOLOLOL Anyways... got a phone call... one of those emergency ones I have now and then, please pick up babies because thier parents have passed away... so on the way back from my appointments and alot numb in the face... I got these little beggars.... and believe me they are tiny!!! I got home, made them something to eat, being so small they readily gobbled it down... now to keep fingers crossed that they dont get any ailments.... now they are on a heating pad all wrapped up nice and warm. Yup I am hand raising more bubs!!! I bet you dont know what they are... can you guess?
Persia "~Mystic~"
- 15 years, 4 months, 20 days ago
T • A • U • R • U • S
The Sex Addict
Aggressive, Freak in bed, Rare to find, Loves being in long relationships, Likes to give a good fight for what they want, Extremely outgoing, Sexy, Loves to help people in times of need, Outstanding kisser, Very Awesome personality, Stubborn, Sexual, Most caring person you will ever meet, One of a kind, Not one to fuck with, Are the most sexiest people on earth.
Persia "~Mystic~"
- 15 years, 4 months, 22 days ago
Then for wall decorations.. or the added touches.... here are dinos much bigger than the kids hahahahaha I want to see the look on thier faces when they see em!!! And I know Sean likes the T. Rex... plus I have the T.Rex cake topper for the main cake and 24 cupcakes.. got to go with the theme eh :) and yeah.. thats me behind the T.Rex.. I am 5ft 9 so ya know how big he is ... so is the other dino... I think the kids will get a kick out of them eh :)
Persia "~Mystic~"
- 15 years, 4 months, 27 days ago