I'm visiting a friend in the states at the moment, though this isn't the first time I've been here. Henry V isn't so bad now that I watch it - there are some pretty good speeches. Unknown"Vividarium"Sparkling
- 17 years, 20 days ago
My friend showed me this. It is pretty funny because I'm pretty sure I've had an episode like this in my life. A funny clip about relationships and fights.
- 17 years, 26 days ago
8 bags of my favorite toffee, a lifetime's supply of smints (okay maybe a month's worth), little trinkets and my favorite perfume... :) Great Valentine's Day present.
:S Now it's time to hit the ground running, because that's a loooot to burn off. Unknown"Vividarium"Sparkling
- 17 years, 27 days ago
I like life simple and complex. I am fond of the sweeter white wines on most days and drier ones on occasion - though a martini isn't something that I would turn down. Theatre intrigues me - calls me in my dreams; no matter where I go or what I do, the music, the stage, the play and the craft still holds some power over me. The exchange of letters sent via snail mail still brings a simple joy despite the speed of technology these days, and I seek to connect to the people still seeking life in this world. The world is my destination, and you'll find me on the road chasing down the towns and cities that beckon me from where I currently am. Hope is a drug that continues to intoxicate me, and it is one that I will forever be addicted to no matter how many times I fall hard from it. And I love to cook and sample new foods, or share stories with the people I meet.
About pets: I'm more intrigued by the profile than the picture (unless it has an animal on it that I like). I don't tend to re-buy pets when they're bought from me. But if you want to be bought back or kept by me just let me know via message. And if you want to be bought, let me know too because I'm really bad on picking up on subtle hints like that. (I'm insightful on some things, but not on others, lol!)
Note about pictures: I don't like posting them. I'm a bit leery about who sees what on the internet, and one can never be careful about where things end up or how they're used. I'd rather have something up that is reflective of a mood or current state of mind, but I hear that those pictures can get me banned. :)
I'd like to meet the curious, the conservative - the fast-paced and the ones who take it slow. I want to meet the easy-going and the ones withdrawn in their shell, even though I may never get past that tough exterior. The artistic and the sporty, the cold and the cheerful - everyone I can meet always adds a new flavor to life. Someone who I can chat about plays with, or who needs thumbs (just thumb me, leave a comment, pet, whatever), or anyone who needs an ear that will listen (or rather, a pair of eyes). Unknown"Vividarium"Sparkling
- 17 years, 1 month ago
I see you, peeking in here. Did you get lost? Did you find what you're looking for? Or is there something else you want to know? I assure you, it's better to ask than to quietly wonder...or leave me to muse on what it is that you're looking for. So go on, fire away with the questions - I promise there's more to me than what the profile says.
What is found on my profile is there for a reason - including the pictures. Unknown"Vividarium"Sparkling
- 17 years, 1 month ago
Joseph found the hawk. It was injured and he and his mom took it in their house, then gave it to the rehabilitation center to take care of it. After, as you can see, getting some sweet pics with it.