Thank you for shopping Dahling...some thumbs for you and yours......
"Eternal Flame"
- 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago
Mew.. Been quite a long time.. Lot of stuff going on recently. I started my new job, I studied and took that huge exam I was complaining about.. I graduated.. Shrug. How's life been with you? Hope all is well. Your aunt hasn't visited the herd much either. Anyway, I'm gonna go but it was really nice hearing from you :) Hope summer is enjoyable up there.. it was 95 degrees today.. I was outside all day in the sun, by the pool, reading. Made the beginnings of some really nice tan lines.. Ok.. guess I'll talk to you in the fall when it gets cold again, lol. I understand preferring to go outside.. Honestly I do. I'm not bitter, I promise. :) Sending some love your way.
Hey hun. How's work going? You doing alright? Haven't heard from you in a bit and was wondering how you're keeping busy :) Hope all is well and you're not working too hard. Talk to you later :) I don't know why these clouds are magical.. but they're pretty nonetheless so here you go..
- 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
I saw this and I couldn't help but watch it for several minutes.. I love cats with a passion.. I love my pets :) Hope you're doing well.. I have 2 more exams left then I'm all done.. Can't wait. Mwah. Be good hun :) I'll write you a message real soon I promise.
- 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago
Must've just missed you :( It's 3 am and I have to be up in a few hours.. Sigh.. oh well. I'll settle for having seen you with a little green online banner over your cute little head.. Mwah :)