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"Angela's ToyBoy"
7500 pts
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Unknown's tales
BODYCOMBAT launch was awesome - went off without a hitch - Cat and I both taught really well... In fact tonight I proved why I should be a presenter for LMAP... I'm a natural - it's effortless - this year I will make it happen... I will become someone... I will be seen... I PROMISE!
Unknown "Angela's ToyBoy" Loving
- 17 years, 29 days ago
BODYATTACK Launch Sunday 5pm, Newtown Gym, Level 1/294 King St, Newtown, NSW, Australia... Join your instructors for drinks and dinner @ the Bank Hotel, King St, Newtown from 7pm afterwards! GO HARD OR GO HOME!!!
Unknown "Angela's ToyBoy" Loving
- 17 years, 29 days ago
BODYCOMBAT launch tonight 6:30pm, Newtown Gym, Level 1/294 King St, Newtown, NSW, Australia BRING IT ON!!!
Unknown "Angela's ToyBoy" Loving
- 17 years, 29 days ago
If I can't get this pet, my life will proceed to crumble around me, slowly falling apart till I find myself sad and alone, nothing around me but my four hundred cats who will inevitably take over my one bedroom townhouse... When I die I will have to be indentified by dental records as only my skeleton will remain once the cats have stripped the flesh from my bones :P In my will I will leave everything to them...
Unknown "Angela's ToyBoy" Loving
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
Remember that Vanity is not a sin... It's a service that we provide... We can improve almost everything about you if you give us the chance... We are... COSMETIC STAFF!!! HA HA HA
Unknown "Angela's ToyBoy" Loving
- 17 years, 1 month, 2 days ago
Sweaty Betty's Bargain Basement
A place full of fabulously useless things to make one more gorgeous - Vanity isn't a sin - it's a service we provide here :D
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