Sex: Female Animal: Jaguar Breed: Pantherinae Panthera onca Current Status: Finaly thinking about settling down ish but if you love me then you love my daughter to!Shadow KatSome things we think we want we realize we are not ready for. Sometimes we realize when we have already gone way further down the road than we should. I have driven through life a bit like a drunk at the wheel of a big lorry. Big lorries can crush people so it's not recommended. Think before you start to move. I'm no expert on love or anything else but I've learned a lot of stuff, some of it at other peoples expense. I have met a lot of nice people here and some I can't say I deserve to have met and some that are no better than me. I guess to some things up I'm just saying be careful what you wish for and make sure what you wish for is what you really want. It's easy to get carried away and it's easy to hurt people but hard to live with.Personality:I have always tried to project a confident tomboy image to people, in reality I'm nothing like that inside. I value the people close to me and their happiness more than my own. I always try to be there for my friends and all the people close to me. I wont go into detail but family life has not been the easiest for me for many reasons. I lost my confidence and my self respect as a consequence of those problems. I have done my best to fix myself where possible and as much as I am able. My friends have become my replacement family and I love each and every one of them as if they really are members of my real family. In return for my love and friendship they have done much more in the way of fixing me and giving me back things that I have lost or forgotten over the years. I'm really pretty shy unless I start drinking but drinking only ever gets me in trouble. I'm very caring and open if you get to know me and will be a good friend to anyone who is good to me, me thinks not.Habitat & Traits:I have lived in Monterrey for a while but I have always tended to run away from my problems or avoided where possible to avoid moving around other than locally. Now I'm getting itchy paws for a new habitat with sights, sounds, smells and places that are very different to what I'm used to or at least a change of scene.
About you:
Venture into my territory if you want but mess with my family and become my prey....Most of my pets are special close friends, some are more than that and I will be really hurt if I loose them from my collection.
Well the weather sucks ish today, I was going to take my daughter out but it just looks like its going to rain and the road from here to Saltillo is too dodgy when it rains. So im going to do some washing instead while my daughter goes off to a party with one of her friends. Well at least I get to waste some time here as well lol Hope the weather is better for the weekend and that all you guys have a good one!
OMG ive been on hp for almost a decade, now i feel old! The last of my 20s coming up in a few monthes (cries :´( ) Still I just dropped in to say hello to everyone. I dont get the time to come in much with my daughter growing up and all the other life stuff but it will break my heart (much) if they ever take this site down. It would be like loosing my second home :)
Lots of changes for us now, all good ones though. Haven't been in much lately but haven't forgotten all my HP friends. I promise I will be back soon but lots of offline life issues and stuff to deal with. Haven't even been in my Facebook for a few months. I'm great, my daughter is wonderful and life is excellent. Hugs and or spanks to those who prefer them :p Happy new year and Christmas and all that stuff. Time to go to the gym :( still I was pretty disciplined :) Kat Feisty
- 8 years, 2 months, 4 days ago
Trying to work out why when you spend so much time angry with someone and blaming them for things that suddenly when they aren't there you feel like someone just ripped your guts out!
its funny how people come and go on hp, some guys hook up and some are just lonely internet souls. you never know who they are or what thier life is like. maybe we should have more patience with them and be nicer. some of us are lucky enough to have real lives, children, friends, and jobs. i know im one of the lucky ones, a beautiful daughter, a good job friends on and ofline but i think there are some really lonely people taking refuge in this virtual world and we should try to find more time for them to. the good things we do make a real difference to others and to us. So try doing something nice for someone and see how good it makes you feel and the difference you make here and in the real world.
For those special little gifts for him & for her. Feel free to come in and look around and purchase gifts for those who you are close to and would like to get close enough to see what you buy.