"The Curious Little Monkey"
The man in the yellow hat
Comes to take me on adventures
Never knowing what it's about
I'm Curious without a doubt
I'll start in and just say
Let's have some messed up fun today
Never sulk or be a bit crass
Try and catch me then it's a blast
Coming down the road again not sure where I will decend this time
Trouble follows me but my cute antics will set me free
Make Way I'm Coming Through!!
It's my day to be me
There's no one else I'd rather be
Constantly asking why and how
Always wanting more than I got now
Someday I might return back home and the man will ask me
Where did I go Where did I go Where did I go-oo?
I'm soaring high
Higher than eagles can fly
So take me all the way
I just might return back home...someday
Jason Michael Munoz
Copyright ©2008 Jason Michael Munoz
Unknown "Curious Monkey" Adventurous
- 17 years, 27 days ago