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"My Romeo"
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Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
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| Herds (lead): | Romeo's + Juliet's -Thumb herd- | Herds: | HPs Most Wanted, Ash thumbzs, Adam's Fantasy World, Somewhere over the THUMB :D, Chloe & THUMBelina, Pink Playboy 50/10, Pandora's Box, Anti-Boobage Campaign, What I Play, Thumbs! Not The Middle Finger!, εїз abbie εїз, ♥Mandi's Place♥, I NEED POINTS!!!!!!!!!, porn star fetish, Pinkies & Thumbs, Angel's Cave, I am always broke, =] THUMBS [=, Al thumbs, ♥ Linda Thumbs♥, Dave's Wicked Good Herd, Wills Help fund, ♥ *Emilys legs and thumbs*♥, I Love My Cupcakes, Grants Spam Herd, J's Thumbline, Celtic Goddess, dark angel, Richard’s thumbing ring., ~Moonlight Warrior~ [250 pages], Love us older women, thumbers exchange, ~♡Thumbing With Smiles-N-Hugs♡~, The Gay Penguin Herd, TAZ ( Total Andhari's Zon, ?? |
"My Juliet"
3700000 pts
200000 pts
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Unknown's tales
17th February - 23rd February = ALL TIME WITH ZOE! 22nd February = MY 19th BIRTHDAY!!!!
Unknown "My Romeo" Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
9 days till im with my brown eyed princess - Zoe! I love you. xxxxxxx
Unknown "My Romeo" Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 13 days ago
Tuesday 15th January = reunited with my Juliet for a day! xxxx
Unknown "My Romeo" Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 24 days ago
17th February =] =] <3 ( yes i copied you Zoe =] ) xxxxx
Unknown "My Romeo" Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 27 days ago
The countdown till my birthday for any who care =) 22nd February!!! :D
Unknown "My Romeo" Loving
- 17 years, 2 months, 27 days ago
My shop - how unique!
Anything from... jungle animals - DVD's - trips!
Most recent customers:
1250000 pts
57882 pts
My owner is the best @ HP🩷
"Happy Go Lucky"
6431250 pts
54321 pts
"Mr Nice Guy"
777 pts
The cocktail Queen🥂
"Deusa D'Souza"
2816056 pts
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