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Polar Angel | - Free online hangout and friends
LueN owns this human at 220907 points.

Polar Angel
Polar Angel

Polar Angel, 35/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:12:33 AM
Join date:16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
Location: Kuching, Sarawak Malaysia

"please ASK before u buying my pet,dont tell me u loss contact with ur manners = ="
About me:
Im a Baby Maniac,I LOVE cute and adorable BABIES!!! XD Im unpredictable~ U'll never know how am i for the next second. If u dont like what i'd got just GO away~ Im not born to please everyone~ but Im born to please myself ^^ btw,hello^^
About you:
I would like to meet new friends who can accept me for my pros and cons and like me^^ BUT BUT BUT, im StUCKED with my current owner,so i think u know what i mean =P AND AND AND, please ASK before u buying my pet,dont tell me u loss contact with ur manners = =
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): -BirthdaySss-, ~Crappy~
Herds: Careful...... We Bite, Sp@®kz• CåsH 5/10, ., ~ pOwErPaCk ~, Newbies helping Newbies, Leaders of Language Learning, ThiRTEeN!, *~! Fallen anGel 15/10 !~*, Lei's Contest Chaos, kenshinism
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Polar's tales
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Polar Angel
I had a blog XD
Well, im not good in blogging,not good in taking nice photos n not good in english too XD
that's why i'm using english for my blog~ to improve my bad english @@

That's all from me LOLz

Take care^^
Polar Angel "♥女儿" Lazy - 15 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
Polar Angel
Sorry, sorry and sorry =S

I seldom login here lately cause most my friends started to be inactive and so were my pets =____________________=

anyways, my new course had started (Foundation in Build Environment) and because i was one month later, i got PILES of assignments to do!!!! T^T

for the architecturial drawing= 16 drawings+20 sketching for buildings n interior
and for design theory= alot of sketches then need to draw things with points,lines then structure T^T

so, everyone~ i'll be very busy drawing things for these few months @@
but i'll still login here whenever i got time =)
Polar Angel "♥女儿" Lazy - 15 years, 12 months, 3 days ago
Polar Angel
@@ i didnt online lately cause im preparing for my exam~
anyways the MAIN REASON is that, my forgetful parents= =
forget to pay the phone bill therefore it got suspended for days T^T
then,my careless mom brought the oct bill to pay whereas dec bil is the lastest,so id spent another few days waiting for nothing== thought the line will be reactivated after the payments,who knows, they didnt pay for the lastest bill==
gosh@@ no wonder im so forgetful n careless too XD
its because of my forgetful n careless parents~ i got their genes~ didnt i??? hehehe

anyways,hope my line will be back soon then i can come here more often instead of just spending 10mins here replying comments at uni's computer lab then back to notes n fight with exam@@

oh well,i got two biology papers later n i havent finish reading it!!!! (means i didnt memorise it=______________________=)

okay okay, im kicking myself off from the net and shoo myself to my notes T^T

*waves waves* miss ya~~ *sniff sniff*

Polar Angel "♥女儿" Lazy - 16 years, 2 months, 7 days ago
Polar Angel
T^T i'll be away for three days T^T

anyways,hope everyone wont forget bout me ><
*oh well,firstly,am i that forget-able??*

I'll be missing everyondisable=)
My pets-Kiat,Lean,Ronny
My owner-allan+sab
My sexiest and sweetest mom-Kate
and all other pretty and handsome friends T^T

*waves byebye~*
*sniff sniff*
wow,someone starts to miss me?? xD
jk jk jk ><

oh well,see ya everyone~ on monday 8th dec, night =)
*waves byebye~ sniff sniff*
Polar Angel "♥女儿" Lazy - 16 years, 3 months, 24 days ago
Polar Angel

This is a date which i will never ever forget =)

This is a date which symbolised the existance of my daddy n sab xD

Without this date, it could still be other date as long their mom gave birth to them LOL

Sorry, doesnt mean to crap ><

AnYwayS, <2008.11.15>,
is my daddy and sabrina's birthday =)
*i feel sorry and guilty cause i did nothing for them on this perticular day T^T*

I would like to thanks their mom to give birth to them~
I would want to thanks humanpets for linking us together~
I would wish to thanks daddy for being such a sweet n great master~
I would always want to thanks Sabrina for being at my side as a mom, a child, a sister and of course a heart to heart F.R.I.E.N.D~

We got no idea how we became M.A.C.H.I @@
Sabrina always know what im thinking and i always know what's in her mind =p
Image is what that does not exist between us~LOL
We play around,We fool around,We crap around,We pig around,We stupid around XD
It's so natural for me to know what is she thinking and for her to know what's in my mind =)
It's so natural for me to sweet talk them xD
It's also natural for me to Flatter daddy LOL

So, once again~
i want to wish u both~
My dearest zhu zhu(pig) luEn n zhu zhu yUn~


*muacks sabbie~cuddles daddy~*

Polar Angel "♥女儿" Lazy - 16 years, 4 months, 15 days ago
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Polar Katie
aww how are u? logn time no log in here hahahha
mom miss u >.<
 Came by to see you!  You have been given Came by to see you! .
Crafted by Pearl
Polar Katie Emo - 15 years, 3 months, 1 day ago
Edward Lim
merry x'mas & happy new year in advance!
Edward Lim "DO NOT BUY" Naughty - 15 years, 3 months, 7 days ago

Surprise! You have been given Surprise!.
Crafted by Kitty
Hopkin "My bear" "Ribbit" - 15 years, 3 months, 15 days ago
Polar Katie
haha visit visit my daughter,,,^^^ i miss uuuuuuuuuu
a cup of love ♥ You have been given a cup of love ♥.
Crafted by SuperBoo
Polar Katie Emo - 15 years, 5 months, 4 days ago
Ronny Chin
but i just log in and reply this reply those de..i didnt go try other applications =.=
Ronny Chin "帅瘦のRonZ" Loyal - 15 years, 6 months, 8 days ago
Ronny Chin
add u already..wahaha
Ronny Chin "帅瘦のRonZ" Loyal - 15 years, 6 months, 8 days ago
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Polar's shop

Shop selling variety of food~^^

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~Just Wan U 2 SMILE~
1 use

197 pts
~Just Wan U 2 SMILE~
Bought by 49 people
~Thick Crust Hawaiian Pizza~
1 use

197 pts
~Thick Crust Hawaiian Pizza~
Bought by 33 people
Special Sushi Rice Salad
1 use

197 pts
Special Sushi Rice Salad
Bought by 28 people
~Happy Burger~
1 use

197 pts
~Happy Burger~
Bought by 37 people
Crispy Choc Chips Cookieees
1 use

197 pts
Crispy Choc Chips Cookieees
Bought by 23 people
Tasty Chicken Casserole
1 use

197 pts
Tasty Chicken Casserole
Bought by 25 people
Delicious Potato Pizza
1 use

197 pts
Delicious Potato Pizza
Bought by 20 people
Yummylicious IceCream^^
1 use

197 pts
Yummylicious IceCream^^
Bought by 26 people
Just For U
1 use

197 pts
Just For U
Bought by 53 people
Yummy Strawberry Chicken Salad
1 use

197 pts
Yummy Strawberry Chicken Salad
Bought by 19 people
Dark choc & Cranberry Roll
1 use

197 pts
Dark choc &amp; Cranberry Roll
Bought by 17 people
Lovely Bear Candies^^
1 use

197 pts
Lovely Bear Candies^^
Bought by 21 people
Strawberry ShortCake Jelly Roll
1 use

197 pts
Strawberry ShortCake Jelly Roll
Bought by 27 people
~Pinky Yogurt Pudding~
1 use

197 pts
~Pinky Yogurt Pudding~
Bought by 43 people
~The Sweetest U~
1 use

197 pts
~The Sweetest U~
Bought by 25 people
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