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Lizzi | - Free online hangout and friends
Lizzi owns this human at 500000 points.

"Spider Lover"

Lizzi , 64/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:4:10 AM
Join date:17 years, 5 months, 26 days ago
Location: Canada

"The pets marked NFS means Not For Sale - they are family,friends or my favorite pet"
About me:
i can be as sweet as sugar or as nasty as they come.I treat all my pets with respect,( as i do with most people) I do not STEAL pets I buy them, if they mean so much to you spend some money on them to raise their price
About you:
as i like all kinds of people you should fit in fine. But i will NOT put up with dishonest people
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Webbing Wonders, A Webbing Wonder
Herds: Antonio's Thumb Post, PERSONAL THUMBZ!, Thumbs for Bruce, Clay's Pet bank, andy's thumbers, Gothic spiders, Doug's Thumb Engine, Will's Anatomy, My thumbprints, 100 g's + and growing!, Yvonne`s Thumb Place, Thumbs for Mari, MAFIOZO, anneliese's thumbs :), Petting Zoo, Julie's Herd.... (178 pgs), Rett's Sexy Angels, anneliese's first set, Hallowed Walls, Holly-World of Thumbs, Matt's THUMB Shack, kate spam, wozzie's herd, Amanda's Scrapbook, A Home for Nomads, Meg's Place, Thumb for HUGS!, The New Herd, Thumbs R Us, SHE DEVIL HERD, *ASHLEY'S HAVEN*, Latin Wolf's Personal Herd, gypsy tales, SARAH & SIMON HERD, SilkNsprite, Scorpion Den, Pamela`s thumbs, ~White Tigress Lair~, 100 pages ..will pay 10k
"Spider Lover"
500000 pts
My Pamela Tranaas
My Pamela Tranaas
"Freya /NFS"
200000 pts
Feathers Float
Feathers Float
200000 pts
125000 pts
68250 pts
50000 pts
50000 pts
35000 pts

30000 pts

30000 pts

20000 pts
15000 pts
"Sweet Talker"
15000 pts

10000 pts

5000 pts

5000 pts
Lizzi's tales
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ITSEY BITSY takes a Detour
By Matthias Urquhart
Jan 17, 2009

Itsey Bitsey Spider, went up the water spout.
But didn’t stay too long up there, he had a case of gout
Had an ache low in his back, and half his feet they hurt
But didn’t want to say on ground and muddle in the dirt.

He spied a willow hanging low, the vines upon the ground
He smiled so wide at this new route, the easiest one he found.
Well half way up the willow tree, Old Itsey saw two eyes.
And behind those eyes a spider gal – oh much to his surprise.

Not just a plain arachnid, no, this lass was quite the Belle
And Itsey felt his pains go way, and suddenly was well.
He smiled a warm and courtly smile, his teeth were white as snow
And suddenly to get up to the roof, was not where he wished to go.

She lived upon an Island, not all too far away,
And was out for long walk, when the wind blew her astray.
The willow tree was just the thing, she needed in the breeze
To grab ahold and wait out the storm, and rest her shakey knees.

Well Itsey knew this Island though he did not go there much
And til the girl was ready to go, she could rest in his small hutch.
The girl gave Itsey quite the kiss, and thanked the Chivalrous lad
And said that was the nicest guesture, the girl had ever had.

They made their way to Itsey’s house, a web beneath the spout
Itsey was so glad the sun had dried the house all out.
T’was fresh and dry and very warm, inviting to the guest.
And when she laid upon his bed, the last thing she thought was rest.

She tugged at Itsey’s spider beard, and brought him to the bed
And Itsey blushed more brightly than Ol’ Rudolph’s nose was read.
For hours our Itsey pleased the lass, for hours the web did shake
Til Itsey finally lay still for a break he’d need to take.

They talked a moment longer, and He cuddle with the Dame,
Snuggled in her lap until Itsey finally asked her name.
“Its been a sweet repose my dear, and better I do feel,
I am the Widow Black” she said “…and you dear, are MY meal...”
Lizzi "Spider Lover" Naughty - 16 years, 2 months, 7 days ago
Hallowe’en Knight
~By Matthias Urquhart
Vancouver, B C

The nights they grow longer, each evening since June
The shadows do reach under bright harvest moon
They draw us to thoughts of our youth and our mirth
When we celebrate that which we take from the earth.

I speak not, however, of the things that we eat
I speak now, my friends, of a much sweeter treat
To a time full of shivers, and frightful delight
That springs from the joy that is Halloween night.

Tis a time that we give, to both strangers and friends
A time that this devilish one, wished never ends.
True there be mischief, and a prank here and there
But rarely does one hear such laughter in the air.

A time when the kids walk to neighbors’ abodes
To places they otherwise, only see from the roads.
They finally meet those that live ‘round them each year
And sing “Happy Halloween” with a howl and a cheer.

Tis a time that I miss and a time cherished deep
A time that I wish to encourage and keep
A time that is spooky, as long nites will bid
But a time that we all know, is best as a kid

There’s no reason, my friend, that this feeling need end
Just turn ye around and start a new trend.
As a kid was a time, that we tricked and got treats
Now you can revel, as you give out the sweets.

Let your house be a beacon, all orange and bright.
And encourage the kids with some goodies and frights.
You see just how easy, you’ll see just how right
It can be to spread shivers, as a Hallowe’en Knight.
Lizzi "Spider Lover" Naughty - 16 years, 5 months, 6 days ago
"Will you walk into my parlor?"
said the spider to the fly;
"Tis the prettiest little parlor that you ever did spy.
The way into my parlor is up a winding stair,
And I have many curious things to show when you are there."
"Oh no, no!" said the little fly,
"to ask me is in vain;
For who goes up your winding stair
can never come down again."
Lizzi "Spider Lover" Naughty - 16 years, 6 months, 5 days ago
NEW PICS: the black scorpion is named spike and the dogs are koda (black) and mud (brown)
Lizzi "Spider Lover" Naughty - 16 years, 9 months, 15 days ago
and yes she name is " i l l y " not lily part persian
Lizzi "Spider Lover" Naughty - 16 years, 9 months, 25 days ago
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Hello...Nice To Meet You... You have been given Hello...Nice To Meet You....
Crafted by LadY HeatheN
LadY HeatheN "⛓️⚔️⛓" Great Time To Be American - 4 years, 17 days ago
Matt Urquhart

Happy Winter Solstice You have been given Happy Winter Solstice.
Crafted by Matt Urquhart
Matt Urquhart "My Gallant One" Playful - 11 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Matt Urquhart

Lighting up your page You have been given Lighting up your page.
Crafted by unknown
Matt Urquhart "My Gallant One" Playful - 11 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Matt Urquhart

Lighting the Yule Tree You have been given Lighting the Yule Tree.
Crafted by Matt Urquhart
Matt Urquhart "My Gallant One" Playful - 11 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Matt Urquhart

Crafted by Cherish Orbeck
Matt Urquhart "My Gallant One" Playful - 13 years, 3 months, 1 day ago
Matt Urquhart

♥Happy BirThdAy♥ You have been given ♥Happy BirThdAy♥.
Crafted by Sharond
Matt Urquhart "My Gallant One" Playful - 13 years, 3 months, 1 day ago
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Lizzi's shop

A little of this and a little of that

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yep .... i'm NUTS
1 use

200 pts
yep .... i'm NUTS
Bought by 20 people
Dropped by and did some shopping
1 use

150 pts
Dropped by and did some shopping
Bought by 103 people
Blowing you a Kiss
1 use

175 pts
Blowing you a Kiss
Bought by 237 people
Boo Hoo
1 use

175 pts
Boo Hoo
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Leave my pets ALONE
1 use

175 pts
Leave my pets ALONE
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Thumbs up to date
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195 pts
Thumbs up to date
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You make me smile
1 use

195 pts
You make me smile
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A Sexy Pet Award
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200 pts
A Sexy Pet Award
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Hello Gorgeous
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200 pts
Hello Gorgeous
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a Happy Birthday bouquet
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225 pts
a Happy Birthday bouquet
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a Red Rose Drop
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a Red Rose Drop
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A Rose just for You
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A Rose just for You
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Flowers for you
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225 pts
Flowers for  you
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Good Pet - yes you are
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Good Pet - yes you are
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You've been Petted
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