ITSEY BITSY takes a Detour
By Matthias Urquhart
Jan 17, 2009
Itsey Bitsey Spider, went up the water spout.
But didn’t stay too long up there, he had a case of gout
Had an ache low in his back, and half his feet they hurt
But didn’t want to say on ground and muddle in the dirt.
He spied a willow hanging low, the vines upon the ground
He smiled so wide at this new route, the easiest one he found.
Well half way up the willow tree, Old Itsey saw two eyes.
And behind those eyes a spider gal – oh much to his surprise.
Not just a plain arachnid, no, this lass was quite the Belle
And Itsey felt his pains go way, and suddenly was well.
He smiled a warm and courtly smile, his teeth were white as snow
And suddenly to get up to the roof, was not where he wished to go.
She lived upon an Island, not all too far away,
And was out for long walk, when the wind blew her astray.
The willow tree was just the thing, she needed in the breeze
To grab ahold and wait out the storm, and rest her shakey knees.
Well Itsey knew this Island though he did not go there much
And til the girl was ready to go, she could rest in his small hutch.
The girl gave Itsey quite the kiss, and thanked the Chivalrous lad
And said that was the nicest guesture, the girl had ever had.
They made their way to Itsey’s house, a web beneath the spout
Itsey was so glad the sun had dried the house all out.
T’was fresh and dry and very warm, inviting to the guest.
And when she laid upon his bed, the last thing she thought was rest.
She tugged at Itsey’s spider beard, and brought him to the bed
And Itsey blushed more brightly than Ol’ Rudolph’s nose was read.
For hours our Itsey pleased the lass, for hours the web did shake
Til Itsey finally lay still for a break he’d need to take.
They talked a moment longer, and He cuddle with the Dame,
Snuggled in her lap until Itsey finally asked her name.
“Its been a sweet repose my dear, and better I do feel,
I am the Widow Black” she said “…and you dear, are MY meal...”
Lizzi "Spider Lover" Naughty
- 16 years, 2 months, 7 days ago