Some ppl here r totally unreasonable....
They not able to get friendhip from me;
then theay say i m not good and i dont deserve any friendship
they said.... "I bet u got not much friend here!!!"
Am I???? I wonder~~
everyone got thier own point of view & own way of living
I dont like flirting I dont like to fool around
Why must i do so??? I been blaim by acting too serious!!!
what's wrong with serious???
It's it bcoz this is net then i must hide the real me????
there was descretion that why i treat some ppl well and some not
coz it's depend on who r u and how to deal with everything all these while
U may think i m too judgemental..... but y cant i???
i appreciate real friendship! i m not the kind who looking for affair or any other thing else
If U say i dont deserve friendship then i think....
I'm sorry for all those who act as my friend all these long
friendship need not value by quantity ( but it doesnt mean i got little)
friendship is by heart by trueness by sincerity~~
think twice b4 u accuse ppl.....
I hate those who r childish, over confidence & demanding
If U r one of those, then plz dont come near me
U will get hurt with some unhappy ending
Sorry to tell so... but....... I'M WHO I'M!!! JUST ME!!!!
TalkingFish "鱼鱼 :P" Uncertain
- 16 years, 6 months, 27 days ago