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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown's tales

Unknown "Ninja♥Bunny" Lonely - 17 years, 4 days ago
I am me. Not very special, not very bright. Slightly insane, though I swear very slight. I'm a blue bunny, its easy to see. Not many blue ninjas are bunnies like me. I'm often quite moody and sad for no reason, its snowy and cold so i'll just blame the season. I need a warm lap or a fire to sit by, and a loved one to cuddle with and stare at the sky.
Unknown "Ninja♥Bunny" Lonely - 17 years, 28 days ago
Oh a tale of the sea or a tail of three,
Attached to the back of one running free,
Across the ocean and over the waves,
Flaming tails of winter lighting the way.
She darts and dashes as she can only try,
Steam leaping from the water as she brushes by,
She probably won't make it its so far to go,
The fires are dying and the oceans so slow.
She'll keep on running till the flames go out,
Tails touch the water and soon going out,
Her light is fading and it all will be over soon,
But for now she'll keep running by the light of the moon.

Unknown "Ninja♥Bunny" Lonely - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
My brain is tired, sick and sore... Oh how this life is becoming a bore...

Won't you walk with me, out to the sea
Where cares disappear and we can be free..
To laugh and play among the waves
To find shells and rocks and things to save...
Oh how I wish I wasnt so far
Or even that I could drive in a car...
But I can't
So I won't
I'll just sit alone
and find a place in the sea to call my own...
Unknown "Ninja♥Bunny" Lonely - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Life is funny.... and sad .. and stressful ... I hope those of you who I haven't talked to much recently are not too upset with me. Work is trying to kill me before xmas. Merry Xmas to all who I don't get to say it to personally!
Unknown "Ninja♥Bunny" Lonely - 17 years, 2 months, 9 days ago

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haha i have been a fan of that japanese red riding hood commerical !!! i love it !
Unknown "green goddess" Ecstatic - 16 years, 1 month, 22 days ago
thank u jacob:)!!
ahh i am looking forward to the in-flight movies and qantas airline food:) (the food is not so bad>.<) i just hope i don't sit next to someone who has to get up and use the restroom all the time (because i have aisle seating):P
You have been given hello :).
Crafted by Judy
Unknown "♥ 我寶寶" 我愛你 o(◕‿◕) o - 16 years, 7 months, 23 days ago
what?! sunshine in seattle?? haha no way :D
awww why is it sunny when im not there :P
hope you are enjoying the sunshine and that everything is well with u ^^;
Unknown "♥ 我寶寶" 我愛你 o(◕‿◕) o - 16 years, 8 months, 9 days ago

You have been given Is my pet wathching porn?.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Beach Cat" Ferocious - 16 years, 8 months, 13 days ago
ohhh I see you like to write poetry.. you should write more ^_^
Unknown "Princess" Loyal - 16 years, 8 months, 23 days ago
hi jacob :D im good ;) australia is nice but i wish it were warmer right now as it is winter season here! so cold in sydney plus there is no heater in my room! *sob sob*
how are u?
You have been given Hi.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "♥ 我寶寶" 我愛你 o(◕‿◕) o - 16 years, 8 months, 26 days ago
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Unknown's shop

Things crafted by Lyu.

my last gasp
1 use

1000 pts
my last gasp
Bought by 6 people
a diamond of epic proportions!
1 use

9999 pts
a diamond of epic proportions!
Bought by 4 people
wings of love.
1 use

1000 pts
wings of love.
Bought by 6 people
a private kitten dance
1 use

1000 pts
a private kitten dance
Bought by 8 people
a push off the rollercoaster!
1 use

1000 pts
a push off the rollercoaster!
Bought by 13 people
1 use

9999 pts
Bought by 8 people
a personal ninja bunny bodyguard
1 use

9999 pts
a personal ninja bunny bodyguard
Bought by 8 people
a big gay bus!
1 use

1000 pts
a big gay bus!
Bought by 17 people
a kiss
1 use

1000 pts
a kiss
Bought by 6 people
my broken heart.
1 use

1000 pts
my broken heart.
Bought by 16 people
a night out at the Bleu Bistro!
1 use

1000 pts
a night out at the Bleu Bistro!
Bought by 3 people
love from Richard Simmons!
1 use

1000 pts
love from Richard Simmons!
Bought by 25 people
1 use

1000 pts
Bought by 7 people

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