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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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6000 pts
Unknown's tales
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These days, we can do so much it is a global shame that children starve and that we have become inured to body counts that number thousands. Thousands! While some might state that we are just elevating Darwinian principles to another level, I think we debase them. This is survival of the none. What will we do when there is nobody left to kill?

Unknown "peluche" Sad - 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
Quiero viajar a ti
y recorrerte desde tus costas a tu interior
conocer tus playas, tus vientos alicios, tus cordilleras escondidas
tus lagos, rios y claros de luna
acampar en tus desiertos y beber de tu lluvia
conocer tu flora, fauna y respirar tu aire
romper mi pasaporte y nunca volver...
Unknown "peluche" Sad - 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
She appeared out of nowhere. Dressed in white silk that his everything but left everything and enticed the imagination to strive to speculate. Her approach was as gentle and caring as the lightest touch of a butterfly’s wings on the breeze. She alighted before me—a vision in musical notes arrayed around her body. A pentagram striped her garment in an upward spiral that suddenly drew my gaze to her face. Her eyes were deep pools of dark warmth, her hair, flowed from her and embraced me. She took my face in her hands and gently lifted me from my prone position, as I had no will left within me. The mesmerizing eyes glittered strangely as I felt her telling me to kiss her. I say ‘felt’ because I do not recall her voice. Her lips parted before mine and at once a chill ran through me. Tendrils of blue-white sound infused my being and filled a well within me I did not know was empty. Those lips, those lips. I could have died on those lips—might have died. I do not know. I may have been dead and may have just started living. I backed away only so I could feel the pressure of her stare, daring me, mocking me, soothing me. I reached around her and hugged only myself. I once again stood. Still like a statue that remains half in the quarry. I could still feel her lips tingle goodbye, or welcome. I sang a song, meandering song, long forgotten that recounted the touch of the river on the riverbank, the caress of the rain on the wind, the kiss of her hands upon my skin, which now glowed anew.
Unknown "peluche" Sad - 16 years, 12 months ago
There is a land so dry that nothing upon it may grow. The tiniest of memories scurry from one rock-strewn micro landscape to another. Here lie only loss and pain, betrayal and rancor. What passes for nourishment is despair, and half-truths percolate the shadows. It is in this place my mind wanders for a bit. I drag my consciousness across a bridge spanning this frightful chasm to reach breathable memories, the ones that leave light and warmth in their wake and nurture the self into growth. Maybe the mind is round and one merely crosses from one state to the other continuously, oscillating like perfect strings between what is light and what is dark. I do not like this place. It scares me into silence. Here I do not speak. Here I slither while the dust of regrets accumulates in my mouth. I don’t remember how I arrived, nor can I see the end of the bridge. I remember wind chimes and, just as suddenly, the memory of their tinkling is vaporized and sucked into nothingness. All is calm, all is blight. All is nothing and the end is not there. Did I turn round? Am I stepping off the bridge? Is there a bridge, or am I just fooling myself into believing one can cross and survive unscathed. I have been here before, but I don’t know when or why, nor can I remember how I left this place. There must be something better—a passage into oblivion or oblivion to this passage. I am so thirsty.
Unknown "peluche" Sad - 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
Not very much of a tale tonight...IT MY BIRTHDAY as of six minutes ago and I am feeling very good because I have replaced some of the hair in my scalp with friends, which are more useful and easier to share with. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna get some beauty sleep and get ready to party like it's 2099... Cheers to all my newfound friends, who enrich my life and make me feel a citizen of Earth. Truly appreciate all of you. YAY, JOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unknown "peluche" Sad - 17 years, 5 days ago
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Thumbed your Tales! Hope you are enjoying and sharing happiness this week. :)
You have been given Power, Courage, & Strength..
Crafted by becky
becky "Muse" tender-heart ed - 16 years, 6 months, 9 days ago
Alexander Graesser
random comment #252) *prodded* You have been prodded
Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 8 months, 20 days ago
I'm considering moving to the moon...Wanna come with??
You were taken on a trip! You have been taken to the moon.
Lizzy Frisky - 16 years, 9 months, 22 days ago
I think u need this bad!!!!
You have been given a full massage.
Crafted by Lizzy
Lizzy Frisky - 16 years, 9 months, 22 days ago
La inteligencia sin amor...te hace perverso.
La justicia sin amor... te hace implacable.
La diplomacia sin amor... te hace hipocrita.
El exito sin amor...te hace arrogante.
La riqueza sin amor, te hace avaro.
La docilidad sin amor...te hace servil.
La pobreza sin amor...te haceorgulloso.
La belleza sin amor...te hace ridiculo.
La verdad sin amor... te hace hiriente.
La autoridad sin amor... te hace tirano
El trabajo sin amor...te hace esclavo
la sencillez sin amor... te envilece.
La oracion sin amor...te hace introvertido.
La ley sin amor... te esclaviza.
la politica sin amor...te hace egolatra.
La fe sin amor te hace fanatico.
La cruz sin amor... se convierte en tortura
La vida sin amor...simplemente no tiene sentido...

Lizzy Frisky - 16 years, 9 months, 27 days ago

You have been given you are unique.
Crafted by Unknown
Lizzy Frisky - 16 years, 9 months, 27 days ago
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Unknown's shop
The Boricua

Authentic Puerto Rican items. All things that make La Isla del Encanto (the Isle of Enchantment) memorable. Enjoy!

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Stay in Puerto Rican Countryside
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200 pts
Stay in Puerto Rican Countryside
Bought by 1 people
Puerto Rico Cufflinks
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Puerto Rico Cufflinks
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Arecibo Radiotelescope, PR
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200 pts
Arecibo Radiotelescope, PR
Bought by 3 people
A Trip to Vieques Island, PR
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300 pts
A Trip to Vieques Island, PR
Bought by 5 people
A Trip to the PR Day Parade
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200 pts
A Trip to the PR Day Parade
Bought by 0 people
A Vejigante Carnaval Mask
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200 pts
A Vejigante Carnaval Mask
Bought by 1 people
An Authentic PR Pina Colada
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An Authentic PR Pina Colada
Bought by 4 people
A Salsa Dance Class
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A Salsa Dance Class
Bought by 17 people
Nike Puerto Rico Sneakers
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Nike Puerto Rico Sneakers
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A Puerto Rican Hurricane
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A Puerto Rican Hurricane
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Alcapurria de Puerto Rico
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Alcapurria de Puerto Rico
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Relaxed Afternoon in Puerto Rico
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Relaxed Afternoon in Puerto Rico
Bought by 14 people
Shake Your Bon Bon
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Shake Your Bon Bon
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A Stroll Down Rincon, PR Beach
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A Stroll Down Rincon, PR Beach
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A Real Boricua Meal
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A Real Boricua Meal
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