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"Brit Addict"

Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): No Breeders
Herds: Careful...... We Bite, The redhead solidarity front, The Think Pack

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"Cute Camilo"
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Unknown's tales
A totally self-indulgent tale today...I feel like Samantha from the movie 16 Candles...if you don't know the flick you obviously are too young to be reading this (Classic 80's flick). Anyhoo, I feel like Sam without the handsome hunk to kiss me and make it all better.

Sure a few people posted notes on my wall - because Facebook reminded them, but did they pick up the phone, send an e-card or anything? Nope. No plans for the day. It's all so depressing. (Plus it is the first bday I've had since my best friend of 20 years died). Wish I could take 4 muscle relaxants to make it all better/numb (worked for Sam's sister after all).

So this wasn't a tale as much as a rant and reminder of 80's cinema. It's my day I can do what I there. LOL
Unknown "Brit Addict" Sparkling - 17 years, 21 days ago
I just bought a new moisturizer, tried it this morning and I hate it. It is the one Sarah Jessica Parker advertises (nutrionist but Garnier). It sucks monkey butt. It sort of coats your face with a protective (?) layer instead of being absorbed into the skin. I put it on my face, and any time I touch my face the stuff pills up and flakes off. It's gross. I am glad I didn't try it for the first time when I was going to work - I can't imagine how you'd put make up on over this. This stuff isn't cheap either. Ugh. How annoying.
Unknown "Brit Addict" Sparkling - 17 years, 24 days ago
Today I created my own herd (No Breeders). It is not meant to offend my friends/pets who have kids, it is just an outlet for those of us without children. I often feel like everyone around me has kids or grandkids, and we can't related to each other. I don't know what it's like to be a parent, and they forget what life without kids is all about. I am also sick and tired of the inequality at work for people without children. I just needed a place to vent. If you are kid-free, feel free to join the herd. If you do have kids, I hope you understand (you have play dates, mommy-&-me groups etc) this is my version of a group for people who choose not to pass on their DNA.
Unknown "Brit Addict" Sparkling - 17 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
This isn't a tale, it's a public way to thank everyone who sent me lovely flowers for Valentine's day. Thanks to you and your lovely messages I don't feel like a sad old spinster. HUGS!!!
Unknown "Brit Addict" Sparkling - 17 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
okay I am finally writing a tale. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. As a singleton I will not be celebrating, the day is simply Thursday, but it has made me reflect. Remember when valentine's day was fun? Back in school when we wrapped up and decorated cardboard boxes and put slits in the top, knowing that we would be getting notes from our classmates. You would spend days in advance writing out cards to all of your classmates (because nice people gave to EVERYONE) and you'd take pleasure popping the lil envelopes into their cardboard boxes. I loved it because I love getting mail. Then puberty hit, Valentines day became about romance. Pressure to have a mate, or get the right gift for your mate...somehow we succumbed to the materialistic monster of it all instead of just celebrating the love we have in our lives (romantic or otherwise). Think about all the people in the world who don't have anyone to love, and who no one loves. Like the elderly people in nursing homes who have outlived what family and friends they have. Those people have a right to feel miserable tomorrow. The rest of us need to suck it up and remember all the great people we do have in our lives. The best gift we can give is sharing time together (over chocolate of course). Have a good one all. The End.
Unknown "Brit Addict" Sparkling - 17 years, 1 month, 5 days ago

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Mark Pankhurst
Love the profile pic. :D

You have been given ~Stonehenge~.
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Mark Pankhurst "Honest Woman NFS" Lost - 16 years, 11 months, 25 days ago
Carisa Ann
youre thumbed by me
Carisa Ann "mine" - 17 years, 7 days ago
It's worthed, dear... :)
You have been given A Pink Heart Diamond.
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Domyrnatrix "♥♥♥" bloOdy bored - 17 years, 16 days ago
Yippieeeeeeeeeeeee, you delay it !!!!!
You have been given Tiffany&Co. diamond necklace.
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Domyrnatrix "♥♥♥" bloOdy bored - 17 years, 16 days ago
I lost one of my previous pet, suddenly and I won't be able to see him again. ... So .... have you change your mind? :D hehehe
You have been given diamond.
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Domyrnatrix "♥♥♥" bloOdy bored - 17 years, 18 days ago
Luv your eyes.... pretty colour
You have been given blue diamond ring.
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Domyrnatrix "♥♥♥" bloOdy bored - 17 years, 18 days ago
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