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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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"~ J.P. ~"

Unknown, 65/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:11:04 AM
Join date:16 years, 11 months, 24 days ago
Location: Pembroke, Ontario Canada

"You Wanted the Best You got the Best the Greatest band in the Wolrd...KISS"
About me:
Proud Grampa of 2 grandsons Tyson 2yrs old & Austin 6 months........................ My 2 Boys Shawn left & Jonathan right...................................................... ...more to come................................................................................. ..................................................................................................... is the player below copy & paste to get one................................................. ..................................................................................................... Like to Rock N' Roll.............................................................................. It's a Vicious game.............................................................................. Love the Dark................................................................................... ....................................................................................................
About you:
.................................................................................................. You Must Like to Rock N' Roll................................................................ It's a Vicious game............................................................................ Love the Dark................................................................................. ..................................................................................................
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: For the love of thumbs, ☠ THE NAWTY HOUSE ☠, ravens 50/10, ~ Snow Whites Herd ~, ~♥Cindy's Twilight Thumb's♥~, Rockin' Robin's 50/10 Nest, Martini Sexy Crew ;) 50, Bees 50/10, *~! Fallen anGel 15/10 !~*, Cindy's 15/15 Cinderella's Ball
"~ J.P. ~"
50 pts
Unknown's tales
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We received a call at 2am early monday to go to the hospital, Brian was in a serious car accident. We rushed out of bed got to the Hospital. Brian didn't look to good they where about to bring him for a CatScan. The results where done with a consult from Ottawa specialist. He had rib 2 to 7 on the right side where fractured badly bruised right lung even punctured they had to insert a drain tube to drain all the blood acumalated in the lung & also had to do the same for the left lung that wasn't as bad. He had some blood on the brain that needed 2 more scans. Right wrist thumb joint had to be casted, left thumb sore but just slight muscle pain. Liver brused not punctured, bowel inflamed again for the bowel doesn't look like it was punctured. Pelvic has a slight line not sure of the result yet has Brian is not able to walk yet. Left ankle is sore no X-ray on the ankle yet. Brian was air lifted to the Civic Hospital in Ottawa at around 6:40am. We drove down & stayed by his side as he was going thru many X-rays & 2 more CatScans. He's doing better has they where able to remove the tube from the left lung, then they removed the drainage tube to his stomach. Catfiter was also removed. Still on oxygen, his blood count is still low, heart rate varies, temparature also up & down. I'm probably forgeting somethings. Just took sometime to write this note. Anyone wanting to send cards would be apreciated as it puts a smile on Brians face. He's again at the Civic Hospital Ottawa Trauma Unit room B205 bed 2. Visiting hours are from 3pm to 8pm only 2 people alowed in the room at one time.
Unknown "~ J.P. ~" Wild - 16 years, 6 months, 25 days ago
join us here at "PLAYTIME 50/10 FRENZY!" The invited friends NEED TO BE ACTIVE ONES. Inform the friends that you invite that they MUST notify me (in the 'messages to me' section above, or privately) of who invited them so as I may keep tabs. ENSURE that they do this otherwise, you could be missing out on valuable points darlings!

Unknown "~ J.P. ~" Wild - 16 years, 7 months, 27 days ago
My Dad in his 4th degree uniform (Chevalier de colomb) PROUD........!!!
Unknown "~ J.P. ~" Wild - 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
100 Videos Have a Look.........................................................................

I made this video playlist at

Unknown "~ J.P. ~" Wild - 16 years, 8 months, 18 days ago

I made this widget at

Unknown "~ J.P. ~" Wild - 16 years, 8 months, 18 days ago
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You have been given An Angel to Always Protect You.
Crafted by Jewel Cat Faerie
Neen "Neen" it's time, goodbye all. - 16 years, 2 months, 6 days ago

You have been given HAPPY NEW YEAR *2009*.
Crafted by Unknown
Neen "Neen" it's time, goodbye all. - 16 years, 2 months, 6 days ago

You have been given Just Wanted to Say Hi.
Crafted by Grant
Neen "Neen" it's time, goodbye all. - 16 years, 2 months, 8 days ago
Dearest Jean Johnny
Your Heart is your Love,
Your love is your Family ,
Your family is your Future ,
Your future is your Destiny ,
Your destiny is your Ambition,
Your ambition is your Aspiration ,
Your aspiration is your Motivation ,
Your motivation is your Belief ,
Your belief is your Peace ,
Your peace is your Target ,
Your target is Heaven,
Heaven is no fun without FRIENDS.
It's World Best Friends Week' send this to all your good friends.
Even me, if I am one of them. See how many you get back.
If you get more than 3 you are really a lovable person..I am waiting
Neen "Neen" it's time, goodbye all. - 16 years, 3 months, 17 days ago
Ditto to what Trouble said...
Neen "Neen" it's time, goodbye all. - 16 years, 3 months, 18 days ago
Trouble Maker

You have been given I MISS YOU.
Crafted by Tracie
Trouble Maker "Hot Stuff" Mischief Managed!! - 16 years, 3 months, 24 days ago
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Unknown's shop
The Cult Angel Shop

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Donation...Speci al Thank You...
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