a translation of the former tale is as follows: There's now pix of MY BABIES!!! The Orange dour-looking one is Princess Serina-Roo, she is 8! Then there's my little scrapper, Mitsy-Moo the 1 year old cow-cat of DOOM. Last but not least, the grey Chinchilla is Jasmine, approx 5, and her much darker mate is called Chiba, also 5. Unknown"Mistress Mew"Petulant
- 16 years, 10 months, 5 days ago
meow, meow meow meow? meow meow meow.. purrr...rr...rrown... Unknown"Mistress Mew"Petulant
- 16 years, 10 months, 8 days ago
everyone needs to pay homage to the consumate giffer, Farrell McLaughlin!! Custom shop banners for a great price, fun items and always a good chuckle!!!! Unknown"Mistress Mew"Petulant
- 16 years, 11 months, 10 days ago
my father's ashes --------------------- travelling with me, a cold metallic bulge in my pocket, i just couldnt let him go so easily. I owed it to him to show him something wonderful, to take him somewhere he'd never been and that he would have adored. For awhile he was under my pillow, my alottment of ashes poured into one of a few tiny urns- replicas of the large one that would be buried. I guess none of us could let him really go. He'd been our rock, supporting my mother, brother, sister and I. All the while, making us prouder and prouder of his' achievements as an engineer. That job had provided him an outlet for a creativity rarely glimpsed in our family life. I kept him in my beloved stuffed cat for awhile too. it sort of felt like giving him a new form- new eyes i could look into to talk to him, someone i missed that i could hug and cry on and feel close to him. Eventually i came to the conclusion that this was a little too creepy (even for me) so i made the trip plan. It seemed like forever until i stood there on the pebbly beach, with endless seafoam crashing for mile upon mile. I'd travelled to the Atlantic Ocean from the heart of Canada to set him free in my own way. I didnt dump him out, i couldnt, i'd realised as i stood there, my bare feet getting cut by seashell shards. So, I dipped the tiny little urn into the sea, somehow hoping that he could feel the cold brine and smell the fresh sea breeze. As my blood turned to jelly in the frigid early Maritime Spring, I didnt care. In some way, I felt lighter inside, loved, once again. Like i'd just figured out that he would've loved me without doing anything special. I have been able to smile upon his pictures now, without crying from grief. Oh i miss him crazy lots but.. I know there wasnt anything i could do to prevent it. I am so grateful to have even known such a man. He taught me not all men are jerks and that it does NOT matter what you look like on the outside, it really is how beautiful you are inside. He was a cheery sunbeam in a gloomy world, he will be missed beyond words but it is for selfish reasons. "why so soon?" "Why didnt you love us enough to see a doctor once a year?" Please, if i can save one person, from this personal heartache, tell your dads, brothers, sons, cousins, uncles, male friends- Start talking about health. ********************************************************** TOO MANY MEN DIE FROM PREVENTABLE PROBLEMS JUST BECAUSE THEY DONT GET A YEARLY CHECKUP!!!! NOTHING IS WORTH YOUR HEALTH - ESPECIALLY SILENCE. *************************************************************
Unknown"Mistress Mew"Petulant
- 16 years, 11 months, 10 days ago
what is the appeal of characters like The Predator and PinHead AKA Hellraiser? Am I the only one that finds these two particular characters extremely sexual, though perhaps not sexually motivated. It's interesting to note that their costumes (predator seems to like the fishnet shirts and metal helmets and Pin Head likes hooks, chains and of course, leather.) Is it that these are killing machines without mercy? The "bad boy" image? Perhaps, but I tend to follow the hypothesis that it's really all about women being attracted to the most powerful or successful male available. Even if it isn't our species, we tend to humanize animals or in this case, fictional creatures from Space or Hell. I cant say The Predator is good-looking, but there is something about that mysterious creature that stirs me. What woman wouldn't want such a protector?! Then there's Pin Head, he is in my opinion very, very good looking, despite the nails driven into the flesh of his' head. The quiet fury of Pinhead is very attractive, power is attractive, after all. But there again, lies something more within the inner struggles of both of these characters that lead many women to give them a place in their heart. The guy the men want to be and the girls want to be with. Now to mix the two and create some sort of leather and hook-clad dread-lock wearing hellspawn alien, it'll be all good....
Unknown"Mistress Mew"Petulant
- 17 years, 16 days ago