I love to play bass, but my timing is awful.
I love to paint, but my paintings look funny.
I love to say I'm a bibliophile, but I should read more first.
I love to drink, but I'm not a lush. (Shut up)
I love to sing, but I'll probably make your ears hurt.
I love to tell jokes, but they're really cheezy.
I love to talk, but my foot is always in the way.
I love the ocean, but I'm afaid of sharks.
I love you, because you're AWSOME!
About you:
You're "da bomb" and expect nothing of me aside from friendship.
BRAD'S THINGY- PASS IT ON! Repost in your tales with your answers. Here are my answers...without any explanations, of course ;-)
Yes or No
1. You can ONLY answer Yes or No! 2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages or comments you and Asks!
Now, here's what you're supposed to do... And please do not spoil the Fun. Copy and paste this into your tales, delete my answers and type in your answers. Then see what happens.
Kissed anyone one of your HP friends? Yes Been arrested? No Kissed someone you didn't like? yes Slept in until 5 PM? YES Fallen asleep at work/school? No Held a snake? YES Ran a red light? No Been suspended from school? No Been fired from a job? yes Sang karaoke? YES Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? YES Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? YES Caught a snowflake on your tongue? YES Kissed in the rain? Yes Sang in the shower? YES Sat on a rooftop? YES Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on.? NO Broken a bone? Yes Shaved your head? YES Blacked out from drinking? I don't rememember Played a prank on someone? Yes Felt like killing someone? NO Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? yes Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? YES Been in a band? YES Shot a gun? NO Tripped on mushrooms?YES Donated Blood? YES Eaten alligator meat? yes Eaten cheesecake? YES Still love someone you shouldn't? NO Think about the future? YES Believe in love? YES
- 16 years, 7 months, 19 days ago
Last night we went to a screening of Phantasm at the Hollywood Forever Cemetary. Some would consider it a tastless act, I supposes, to drink wine- or as I did some yummy Almond Sparkling Wine, munch on sandwiches and snacks while whatching a horror movie in a cemetary. You know what I say to those people? Fuck off. We had so much freaking fun. The DJ was nice and kept a great blend of music-not to LA- not too hippy. The weather was divine. Phantasm was cheesy as per usual, and exactly what I remember it being. Classic lines like "Warning shots are Bullshit!" and "Are you sure it wasn't Johnny, that retarded kid up the street?" brought nostalgic tears to my eyes. The gates didn't open until 7, and although we arrived at 5:30 as all good nerds do, there was a huge line waiting already. The benifits of this line were tobacco, beer, and all the great people watching you can handle. Victor and I played "is she a man or a woman" for a vast majority of the evening. There was a tranny with an umbrella that was a little hard to figure out. I almost buckled by the end of the night and decided she was a woman, until I heard him speak. Dumb ass. Unless She-ra has been living on Whisky and Smokes for the last 18 years (which is quite possilbe), I'm pretty certain I won. Treat for the night: Tall man and Lavander Lady were there signing shite and telling lamo jokes. We loved it. Residual meteor shower in the night sky. Walking through the cemetary at night barefoot in wet grass. Mental Note: Take pillows, more blankets, wear pants, more booze, candles, cell phone, antibac wipes (for the port-a-potty), sit next to old people if you want to watch the movie, sit next to young people if you want to party,and most importantly, sit near happy people if you plan on making out.
- 16 years, 7 months, 22 days ago
Oh, you're welcome. Unknown"Estrella"Nervous
- 16 years, 10 months, 18 days ago
That’s my Poppa.. Ugh. So, Myspace has this new function right? It shows when your friends post new pictures up and stuff...
I'm so bothered. It shouldn't bother me, but it really does. My estranged husband put a picture of my Poppa on his myspace page. He actually did the stencil so that he could make shirts for Dave and my Uncle Chris, when my Poppa died. This stencil was made for my Poppa's funeral.
It says something about Pop being brilliant and he calls him "his grandfather" on another, but Jovian only met him like 2 or 3 times. He didn't know Pop at all. Not that Poppa wasn't brilliant, but that's my Poppa. It seems so distasteful. If Pop were alive today, he would actually be disgusted with Jovian's crack smoking, cousin fucking behavior, and would have nothing nice to say to him.
I miss Poppa every day. He's not been gone long, and it's still really painful for all of us. He died the day that Jovian and I came home from our honeymoon a year and a half ago.
Am I being weird? I emailed and asked him to please take the picture off of his page. It leaves me so disturbed that he dared think that it's okay to put my grandfather's face on his page. I know he made the stencil, but it was for Poppa's funeral. I guess I think he should have at least asked me. Mabye that's asking too much. I guess if Jovian really knew him, and was affected by his loss as much as my family and I have been, he would have been more respectful.
The creep won't sign my divorce papers, but he'll floss his myspace page with my Grandpa's picture? That's just creepy.
I'm so hurt by this. That's MY Poppa. His memory deserves respect.
- 16 years, 11 months, 14 days ago
Started my new job today. It's about as stimulating as watching mold grow on a peach. I'm not an order taker, and it seems that's what they want me to do. I've been self employed for the better part of the last 3 years, I'm not used to sitting on my ass and waiting for a telephone to ring. It's only day one, so I'm hoping that today was just a fluke and business will be steadier and interesting. As of right now, the idea of waking up at 5am to get ready for my 1.5 hour commute (that's ONE way) does not sound appealing to me in any way. The highlight of my day were random text messages from friends either wishing me luck, pestering me as per usual, or sending me corny jokes. Please take note, Chuck Norris jokes are never old in my book- I laugh every time. In the afore mentioned statement, "corny" was a compliment. (Sowwy PJ!) I have to say, one of the worst things about this new job is that they have the WAVE playing all day. For those of you who are not in SoCal, the "Wave" is a station that plays really boring slow 80's/ jazzy love music (think Kenny G, Sade, and Whitney Houston). It gives me instant bouts of narcalepsy when it's on. As a matter of fact, a dear friend of mine showed me this really rad trick years ago. We have this friend who is THE BEST, unless you're driving home after a late drunk night. He just keeps talking and talking and being obnoxious. At about 3am, the last thing you need is Hal BaDal telling you about his vodka enema, while you're trying to drive his ass home. So, you roll up the windows, turn the heater on "low", if you have "ass warmers" in your seat- turn them on, and last but not least!!! Turn on the WAVE!!! This trick has knocked the fuck out of all of my friends at some point in time or another. Since more often than not, I'm the designated driver, I find that the WAVE and I are allies- but only in this instance. I made a suggestion to change the station, and they wouldn't do it. Chingado!! I think my shipping guy has a crush on me, but I'm not sure. He's really nice to me. I had to hang out at the office with him for the last two hours or so today. He went a little out of his spectrum of information and tried to demo some stuff. He failed miserably, but I found it entertaining. I need a good rescuing! Tommorrow, I'm treating myself to a midweek slumber party at my girlfriend's house. Movies, pedicures, and she's making me dinner. Wednesday I'm crashing out at my bff's, and Thursday in the Gayborhood. Wish me luck. Cross your fingers. Toss salt over your shoulder. Don't step on any cracks. Be nice to black cats. Say a god damned rosary for me!! Anything! Please! As long as it involves happy thoughts about my new job, I'm all over it! xop Unknown"Estrella"Nervous
- 16 years, 11 months, 14 days ago
Note to Retards: A. I"m not a nazi, so stop wasting your time by reporting my shop. B. Please google the following words: Irony and Humor. If you don't like it, don't buy it. If someone is using it in poor taste, then report them- not me.