- Available: Yep, and happy about it.
- Age: 21
- Annoyance: It's pretty hard to annoy me but stupid will do it best and quickest
- Animal: Wolves, Falcons, Dolphins,
- Beer: Fat Tire if you don't mind.
- Birthday: December 3
- Best Friend(s): Toast, Mel, Tiff, and a few others
- Body Part on opposite sex: Skin mostly, but eyes are good too.
- Best feeling in the world: Waking up late on a sunday morning in a white room with white sheets on a white bed with her laying next to me.
- Blind or Deaf : Blind
- Best weather: Snow!
- Been on stage?: Yes. Lots and lots of recitals. Not to metion random other things.
- Believe in Magic: Well, why not? :P
- Believe in Santa: Of course!
- Candy: Raisenets!
- Color(s): Red, White, Blue,
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate
- Chinese/Mexican: Chinese
- Cake or pie: Cake w/o icing.
- Continent to visit: Europe or Asia
- Cheese: Cheddar, Mozzerella, and Brie, Amadeus isn't bad either.
- Day or Night: Night
- Dance in the rain: Yes please!
- Eyes: Blue/grey
- Everyone's got: an opinion.
- Ever failed a class?: Nope.
- First thoughts waking up: FML
- Food: Umm... is that really a question for a soldier?
- Greatest Fear: Losing friends and family.
- Goals: Become an officer after getting deployed. Travel around the world.
- Gum: Blue Five
- Get along with your parents? Meh.
- Good luck charm: My dog tags. I hold them when I'm nervous and they always seem to calm me down.
- Hair Color: Brown
- Height: short at 5'7
- Happy: I have a few.
- Holiday: I'm not sure.
- How do you want to die: Either in combat or after my wife dies when we're both very old and very grey.
- Ice Cream: Strawberry
- Instrument: Saxaphone, cello, violin, and piano. Little bits of trumpet and guitar.
- Jewelry: Not really. My watch and my aviators is about it.
- Job: Working on that one. It's hard to go to school and find a job right after
- Kids: None.
- Kickboxing or karate: Muay Thai or Jiu Jitsu
- Keep a journal?: Sometimes.
- Love: overrated and I've been jaded.
- Laughed so hard you cried: once or twice
- Milk flavor: Whole
- Movies: Action, War, and Comedy
- Motion sickness?: Never
- Number of Siblings: Two
- Number of Piercings: None
- Number: 3
- One Wish: Can't tell you or it won't come true.
- Perfect Pizza: Hawaiian
- Pepsi/Coke: Neither, I hate cola
-Quail: ?
- Reasons to cry: A fallen comrade. A good soldier never cries unless something is truly lost.
- Radio Station: Don't listen to any much.
- Roll your tongue in a circle? Yep.
- Ring size: No idea.
- Song: Mononoke Hime
- Shoe size: I usually wear about a 11 but my combat boots are 9 so I have no idea.
- Salad Dressing: Italian or just a vinagrette
- Sushi: YES!
- Slept outside: for about ten days with no shower working twelve hour shifts and loving every minute of it!
- Skinny dipped?: Of course.
- Shower daily?: Whenever possible and more than once usually.
- Sing well?: Not when I'm hoarse... (Yay for shooting my voice during drill. That's the last time I call cadence for 200 people)
- In the shower?: Yep!
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries but both are good.
- Tattoos?: None.
- Time for bed?: Whenever I get tired or whenever lights out. Whichever comes last.
- Thunderstorms: only when I sleep.
- Unpredictable: sometimes.
- Vacation spot: Utah Mountains during winter.
- Weakness: Running. I can do it but I hate it.
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: I don't think any of my friends really act like me. We're all different and that's why we're friends.
- Worst feeling: When I lost her.
- Wanted to be a model?: Nope.
- Where do we go when we die?: the big barracks in they sky.
- Worst Weather?: Hot with high humidity.
- X-Rays: Had a few done.
- Exes: umm... lets not go there.
-Year it is now: 2009
-Yellow: Oh jeez... Yellow Tail. Thanks Megan. My nickname from basic due to an unfortunate smoke grenade accident caused by a drill sergeant.
- Zoo animal: Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!
1. Slept in your bed beside you?: Brittney
2. You went to the mall with?: Robert
3. You went to dinner with?: Wes, Victoria, and Spencer
4. You talked to on the phone?: Toast
5. Made you laugh?: Billy
6. Hugged you?: Candi
7. Said they loved you?: Tess
8. Held your hand?: Candi
9. Spoke with? Bro
10. You cried over?: Sam
Unknown Tired
- 16 years, 1 month, 11 days ago