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Unknown, 37/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:2:54 AM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 27 days ago
Location: Crossett/Hot Springs/Monticello United States

"Please don't buy my pets OR ME without asking first."
About me:
There are many things that must be fought for in life. The rights to love, to be kind, and to care are all some to be fought for, but the right to receive those in return are infinitely harder to obtain. I'm in the Army now and loving it. At the moment I'm spending time with family. Snowboarding, mountain biking and climbing, camping, hiking, and working out are my current activities. Please, feel free to talk to me.
About you:
Anyone and everyone who is friendly, forward, and doesn't mind me being the same. I like people that make me laugh and people I can make laugh. If you're of dim wit and little intelligence please don't even bother speaking to me...
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Sex Kittens, Grammar Geeks, cleavage lovers, ULTIMATE FUN LOVERS
21000 pts
8986 pts
"Darling Dear"
8820 pts

"Cheri Doll"
5000 pts

"Illy Dearest"
1805 pts
"Lady Kenly"
149 pts

50 pts

"High All Da Time"
50 pts

"Electric Red"
50 pts
Unknown's tales
- Available: Yep, and happy about it.
- Age: 21
- Annoyance: It's pretty hard to annoy me but stupid will do it best and quickest
- Animal: Wolves, Falcons, Dolphins,

- Beer: Fat Tire if you don't mind.
- Birthday: December 3
- Best Friend(s): Toast, Mel, Tiff, and a few others
- Body Part on opposite sex: Skin mostly, but eyes are good too.
- Best feeling in the world: Waking up late on a sunday morning in a white room with white sheets on a white bed with her laying next to me.

- Blind or Deaf : Blind
- Best weather: Snow!
- Been on stage?: Yes. Lots and lots of recitals. Not to metion random other things.
- Believe in Magic: Well, why not? :P
- Believe in Santa: Of course!

- Candy: Raisenets!
- Color(s): Red, White, Blue,
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate
- Chinese/Mexican: Chinese
- Cake or pie: Cake w/o icing.
- Continent to visit: Europe or Asia
- Cheese: Cheddar, Mozzerella, and Brie, Amadeus isn't bad either.

- Day or Night: Night
- Dance in the rain: Yes please!

- Eyes: Blue/grey
- Everyone's got: an opinion.
- Ever failed a class?: Nope.

- First thoughts waking up: FML
- Food: Umm... is that really a question for a soldier?

- Greatest Fear: Losing friends and family.
- Goals: Become an officer after getting deployed. Travel around the world.
- Gum: Blue Five
- Get along with your parents? Meh.
- Good luck charm: My dog tags. I hold them when I'm nervous and they always seem to calm me down.

- Hair Color: Brown
- Height: short at 5'7
- Happy: I have a few.
- Holiday: I'm not sure.
- How do you want to die: Either in combat or after my wife dies when we're both very old and very grey.

- Ice Cream: Strawberry
- Instrument: Saxaphone, cello, violin, and piano. Little bits of trumpet and guitar.

- Jewelry: Not really. My watch and my aviators is about it.
- Job: Working on that one. It's hard to go to school and find a job right after

- Kids: None.
- Kickboxing or karate: Muay Thai or Jiu Jitsu
- Keep a journal?: Sometimes.

- Love: overrated and I've been jaded.
- Laughed so hard you cried: once or twice

- Milk flavor: Whole
- Movies: Action, War, and Comedy
- Motion sickness?: Never

- Number of Siblings: Two
- Number of Piercings: None
- Number: 3

- One Wish: Can't tell you or it won't come true.

- Perfect Pizza: Hawaiian
- Pepsi/Coke: Neither, I hate cola

-Quail: ?

- Reasons to cry: A fallen comrade. A good soldier never cries unless something is truly lost.
- Radio Station: Don't listen to any much.
- Roll your tongue in a circle? Yep.
- Ring size: No idea.

- Song: Mononoke Hime
- Shoe size: I usually wear about a 11 but my combat boots are 9 so I have no idea.
- Salad Dressing: Italian or just a vinagrette
- Sushi: YES!
- Slept outside: for about ten days with no shower working twelve hour shifts and loving every minute of it!
- Skinny dipped?: Of course.
- Shower daily?: Whenever possible and more than once usually.
- Sing well?: Not when I'm hoarse... (Yay for shooting my voice during drill. That's the last time I call cadence for 200 people)
- In the shower?: Yep!
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries but both are good.

- Tattoos?: None.
- Time for bed?: Whenever I get tired or whenever lights out. Whichever comes last.
- Thunderstorms: only when I sleep.

- Unpredictable: sometimes.

- Vacation spot: Utah Mountains during winter.

- Weakness: Running. I can do it but I hate it.
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: I don't think any of my friends really act like me. We're all different and that's why we're friends.
- Worst feeling: When I lost her.
- Wanted to be a model?: Nope.
- Where do we go when we die?: the big barracks in they sky.
- Worst Weather?: Hot with high humidity.

- X-Rays: Had a few done.
- Exes: umm... lets not go there.

-Year it is now: 2009
-Yellow: Oh jeez... Yellow Tail. Thanks Megan. My nickname from basic due to an unfortunate smoke grenade accident caused by a drill sergeant.

- Zoo animal: Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!

1. Slept in your bed beside you?: Brittney
2. You went to the mall with?: Robert
3. You went to dinner with?: Wes, Victoria, and Spencer
4. You talked to on the phone?: Toast
5. Made you laugh?: Billy
6. Hugged you?: Candi
7. Said they loved you?: Tess
8. Held your hand?: Candi
9. Spoke with? Bro
10. You cried over?: Sam
Unknown Tired - 16 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
Okay. So someone has brought to my attention that I have no tales up here. So! Here's a few things about me. I wrote a note for some of my friends that is 25 things they probably don't know about me. Here they are.

1. I am very very religious and I am Mormon. I am not a good one, but I have very strong faith nonetheless.

2. I am usually very very sweetnatured, kind, and loving. But if crossed I can be the most heartless, cruel, and sociopathic person alive.

3. I used to hate the Army and was extremely liberal. Now you won’t find many people that are as pro-Army as I am.

4. I practice transcendental meditation and am very good at it.

5. I am a bit of a sadist but only because I am a bit of a masochist. It’s complicated. To avoid close personal relationships I tend to hurt those that I love most to push them away even though I hurt myself by doing so. However, if we’re still friends afterwards you will never find any better than me.

6. I am the most deeply loyal friend that I know, but I am also an extremely impulsive character so it doesn't always show.

7. I am literally, not physically afraid of anything. But I'm emotionally terrified of many many things.

8. I am a home wrecker. As in more than once have I had sex with a married woman or a friend that has a boyfriend.

9. Am more manipulative than any of you really know.

10. I learned to go with the flow of life a few years ago and it completely destroyed me and then rebuilt me in ways I never thought possible.

11. I have the most and most negatively charged chi/internal energy/soul presence/wtf ever you want to call it of anyone I have ever met.

12. My dad's family is way way cooler than my mom's. I wish I had gone to live with my dad when I was younger. I could have experienced so much more.

13. I am an adrenaline junky. One of my dreams is to go Airborne, Ranger, and Scuba for the U.S. Army.

14. I've hurt people in ways most people can't even imagine, and then felt no remorse.

15. I've loved more deeply than most people can imagine, and it still hurts to know they are gone.

16. I'm an insomniac only when I don't have anyone to sleep with or haven’t gone through a rigorous workout that day.

17. I used to be a very avid tabletop RPG player and probably still would be if it were available. Yes, that makes me a serious nerd. However, I've been working out for about six hours a day for the last eight months. Laugh and my nerdiness, I dare you. :P

18. One of the songs that could possibly be the “theme song for my life” is Cocky by Kid Rock. Even though I hate the guy, the words, “They say I’m cocky, and I say ‘What? It ain’t braggin’ mother fucker if you back it up’” just sort of fit my personality perfectly.

19. I love to fight. I started doing martial arts as a pre-teen and have been in love with them ever since. However, I don’t mix fighting with ANYTHING else. That includes alcohol, personal relationships, and anger.

20. I don’t really want to go back to college. I would love to skip it and go full time Army.

21. I don’t watch gory horror movies anymore because I’ve seen the real thing and don’t think it ought to be emulated in any shape, form, or fashion.

22. During a meditative past life regression I learned that I was a Spartan hero. That’s where my violent nature comes from. I crave the thrill of battle.

23. I no longer am on speaking terms with the closest and best friend I’ve ever had. That’s probably one of the only things I have any sort of feelings that I would change about my life and past.

24. I have a terrible, selfish, hero complex. I love saving people and helping them. Not necessarily because it feels good to help people but more because it makes me feel good about myself.

25. My taste in music is quite odd. I like some underground bands and some severely unpopular bands. The most unpopular bands I like are Creed, Kid Rock, Limp Bizkit, and ICP. Go figure.
Unknown Tired - 16 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
Most children think nothing of the endless hot southern summers, that there always seem to be thousands more of to be perfectly, wonderfully, wasted.

As I sat, freezing, dripping wet, in the ice-encrusted tree in my backyard I remembered scorching days spent bouncing on the boiling black expanse of the trampoline, sprinting through the hot grass inspite of the probability of treading through a fire ant's mound, and tearing through the heat waves on the frying pavement up and down the street behind my grandparents house.

I remembered the hum of the cicadas during the day and the chirp of the crickets during the night. The rumbling, bumbling, sputtering of the never ending wagon train of diesel fueled logging trucks that owned the highway out front.

I remembered shelling peas for what seemed like days on end so that I could go next door and play with the pretty black girl that lived there. We would play together all afternoon and into the evening, her dad eventually running me off because the sun had set and the street lights had come on.

I remembered my first dog, and cat, and bird, and mole, and hedgehog, and... well, you understand.

There were so many firsts in those forever summers. So many memories to hold dear. I write them not because I miss them but because I don't want to forget them. Those forever summers seemed just like that, forever. I never realized that they would be so short and so meaningful.

So, now that I am inside, warmed and dry, with a massive white fluffy towel wrapped around my entire body, I'm glad for the short things in life. If they lasted forever they would mean so much less.
Unknown Tired - 16 years, 1 month, 12 days ago

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*Thinks* You have been given *Thinks*.
Crafted by Ga-z-ry
Aprill-Rainbow-Raver "AMG - Trippa" Serenaded... .. <3 - 15 years, 11 months, 26 days ago
lol..too bad I was so cheap. Apparently Toast is worth more than me. lol
Unknown "Lady Kenly" Ecstatic - 16 years, 29 days ago
Hey Sean! I haven't been on human pets in sooo long. I had no idea you had bought
Unknown "Lady Kenly" Ecstatic - 16 years, 1 month ago
amanda the new tales....& now I know all ur intimate details....:)
Sunbeams To Light Your Way You have been given Sunbeams To Light Your Way.
Crafted by Nicole Marie
amanda "Sweet Mandy NFS" - 16 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
so many pics..& no tales..:)
amanda "Sweet Mandy NFS" - 16 years, 1 month, 14 days ago
:o You're soooo not neglected
Hot Pics! You have been given Hot Pics!.
Crafted by David S
Dors Naughty - 16 years, 1 month, 14 days ago
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Unknown's shop
That place with that guy.

Yeah, I'm THAT guy. You don't want to be THAT guy.

A french kiss with a bit extra
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A french kiss with a bit extra
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