It was the start of winter. The first snow had fallen, and the lake had
begun to freeze. It was nearly time for all the bears to start their
winter sleep. But there was one foolish bear who wasn't ready to sleep
yet. "I'll just catch in more fish," ho told himself , "to keep me going
through winter." And although he knew it was dangerous, he crept
out into the icy lake.
He lay down on his tummy, and broke a hole in the ice. He could see
lots of fish swimming in the water below. He dipped his paw into the
hole, and scooped out a fish in a flash! But the foolish little bear leapt
up, shouting, "I caught one!" With a great crack, the ice gave way
beneath him, and he fell into the freezing water! Luckily a smart little
bear cub heard his cries, and rushed to help. He found a fallen log
and pushed it over the ice. The foolish bear grabbbed it, and pulled
himself to safety, still holding the fish.
" How can i thank you?" he asked.
"That fish would do nicely," said the smart little bear, and he strolled
away to start his winter sleep.
Dawn "Sweety" I am so happy with my owner
- 17 years, 1 month, 20 days ago