Ok Time for Tale No.4.
Gee alot can happen and change in ones Life in a week..
Its still school holidays.. with one week left..
But whats different this week to last week u Ask.??
Well Im working again out in the Work force for the first time in 12 years..
Since having my son bascially Ive been a stay At home Mum.. and dedicated the last 12 years to my kids.. I also have a daughter whos nearly 7..
So yes.. Im Back doing my Old job from 12 years ago.. Its with the Family Firm..
And well its old Hat really.. Know everything I gota do..
and thats not alot ..just answer the phones and Write up Invoices and Manifests
for the Freight and Loads ETC..Oh and play Dear Abby to Tired Truckies..lol
So Its my Fathers Company that Him and His Brother started up over 50 years AGO..
anyway heres a few pics showing what its all about..
Enjoy.. and stay tuned for Tale number 5. :-)
In the Pic Of Australia.. Its Adelaide where I am.....
Unknown "Nienna Léralond" Cheeky
- 16 years, 8 months, 8 days ago