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Rita Maria Samaha

Rita Maria Samaha
Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): My Own Freedom !
Herds: Chillin' Arabs, Instinct 5/10
Rita's tales
Rita Maria Samaha
Dream Experience...
The terrible experience of a nightmare is surely universal one, and from the young child to the venerable old man, we wake trembling from a world in which the ordinary laws are fearfully suspended, where the logic and predictability that comfort our days suddenly have no meanings.
Sigmund Freud wrote, "The interpretation of dreams is the Via Regia (the Royal Road) to the knowledge of the unconscious in the mental life."
From that starting point, the Royal Road broadened with the increasing variety and complexity of the methods of interpretation.

Rita Maria Samaha Courageous - 16 years, 6 months, 27 days ago
Rita Maria Samaha
Emotions Attract !!!
If U felt controlled by emotions grips, that created for U a lot of tension. The more Unfought that kind of feeling, the stronger they hold over U. The situation of emotions attract isn't unusual. With a little world, U could overcome this obstacle.
Been introduce to the "Universal Law of Attraction" , according to it, We attract which we focus on with the most intensity, and that can create a positive or negative experience, depending on its nature.
It meant that when U focused on emotions or feelings that made U unconfortable, U ended up creating more of those uncomfortable feelings in the process.
U have to try looking at Ur unresolved emotions in a different way. Instead of battling Ur feelings, U should look at them with more judgment.
Focus on the root of Ur emotional turmoil, because U will be in a position to make adjustements to Ur behavior. U will find then life easier and suitable for U without these emotions grips. By listening to these emotional messages, U no longer left controled by them !
Rita Maria Samaha Courageous - 16 years, 10 months, 16 days ago
Rita Maria Samaha
Love Birds !
I am sitting in my chair, watching... The night from my window, what is that? Oh!...
The wind... I can hear his move, slowly... Moving between the trees,
I follow him by my eyes, wondering... Where is he going, like that?
Suddenly... He stop... No more sound... What is wrong?
I follow his look, and watch, the two Love Birds, between the trees,
Sitting in their nest, looking at each others, singing love songs...
Their eyes were bright, their heart were warm, and they look, really in love...
Closely, the wind... Watch them... He stop his music, change it... To a lovely song...
He was happy, singing... Going crazy... Moving so fast... Running...
To his home... Leaving me... Alone in my chair... And in my home...

Rita Maria Samaha Courageous - 17 years, 10 days ago
Rita Maria Samaha
To My Love...
I will die first, before u die...
I will cry first, before u cry...
I will never eat, again... If u don't eat...
I will be lost, without u...
Please my Love, don't die...
But sometimes... I will cry...
Because... I will be away.
Sometimes... I will be sad...
Because... I will be alone.
Sometimes... I have to be...
Cruel to myself... Then...
I will hate... My Soul...
I will have, one night...
The cold inside me, entering my heart,
So easily.. Then... I will never...
Die... Or... Cry... Even...
My smile will be, fade...
Because... My Love...
U will leave me, alone...
In the night... And ...
My heart will become, like a stone...

Rita Maria Samaha Courageous - 17 years, 2 months, 3 days ago
Rita Maria Samaha
Everyday Friend !
A friend is one who will always try to lift ur spirit high,
A friend will know the tears are there before they reach ur eyes,
A friend will be there by ur side when u are down,
A friend will understand ur moods and know what u are,
Though I may not never meet u and our paths may never cross,
I know that what we have shall never either be lost,
So once again I say to u in all the words I write :
" U are in my thoughts and prayers every day and every night ! "
Rita Maria Samaha Courageous - 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago

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Daisies to brighten your day  You have been given Daisies to brighten your day .
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Amy "beautiful Angel" - 14 years, 6 months, 22 days ago

Have a beautiful day ♥ You have been given Have a beautiful day ♥.
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Jay-Jay "My Jay Jay =)" - 14 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
Queen Courtney of the Sass
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Loch Ness Monster Hunt You have been given Loch Ness Monster Hunt.
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Queen Courtney of the Sass "Cece Bee" Crazy - 14 years, 7 months, 2 days ago
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Done and Dusted "Enigmatic" Bye - 14 years, 7 months, 3 days ago
Hossam Lotfy
ya a7la saba7 3a ahl lebnan
Been Thinking Of You You have been given Been Thinking Of You.
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Hossam Lotfy " Smile 2 die 4" Content - 14 years, 7 months, 3 days ago
Hossam Lotfy
heey .. Thnx 4 bidding :)
Loads of Love 4 U You have been given Loads of Love 4 U.
Crafted by CocoBon
Hossam Lotfy " Smile 2 die 4" Content - 14 years, 7 months, 4 days ago
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Rita's shop
!!! Rita Maria Wonderful Gifts Shop !!!

Image U can give Wonderful Gifts to the one U loved from ur pet !!! Choose always ur Wonderful Gifts from Ur heart !!! U are always welcomed to Rita Maria Wonderful Gifts Shop!!!

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