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Katie Samson
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In love
"sweet miky"

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totally in love with Mike
"My Wife NFS"
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Mike's tales
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There are times when a man has to realize that, no good can come out of what he thinks. Except when it is my mind, Today on the way home I thought about how my life has changed in the last few years. Some good (the addition to my family of Valerie and her kids) and some bad ( the way my kids feel about me cause of my exwife). But I can honestly say I am madly in love. I trust completely in the woman i love. I do sometimes have my moments of insecurities, but that is expected with all that has happened in my past. I know my life is almost complete and all i require is my kids to come around and I will have perfect harmony in my life. It has come along way from the day where I tried to kill myself ( i know the cowards way out) but it is an important time in my life.....So in conclussion I want to say thanks to my family, my kids (including Val's kids) but mostly my biggest heartfelt thanks goes out to my future wife Valerie. For all of those people that know her, she is the greatest. She can make me smile with just a simple look, or even watching her dance. ( I really need to install a pole in the kitchen and the truck). I love you with all my heart and soul. You are the greatest woman in the world and I will forever love you, and worship the ground you walk on.
Mike "sweet miky" In love - 16 years, 7 months, 1 day ago
Today I was told that I needed to add a new tale as the last one was too depressing. Well it seems my honey is wondering where I took the old Mike. Well I KILLED HIM and buried is body in a shallow grave. I suprised her by b.b.q and then setting the table and then tore apart the b.b.q to clean it. Some of my friends even questioned what has happened to me and even said that I was part gay. I DONT THINK SO,,,,happy homophobic. I sometimes get in moods to clean and once in awhile I have even been know to do something totally romantic? Isn't this normal for a guy to cook and clean without being asked or threatened. I feel my baby works hard during the day cleaning up after me and her son, why shouldn't I return the favour and show her she is appreciated. Well hope to write more later but I hope everyone had a great July 1 and July 4th for our neighbours to the south. Have a beer and toast one to me. And guys do something nice for your special ladies.
Mike "sweet miky" In love - 16 years, 8 months, 7 days ago
Today is a hard day for me, with all the recent events and drama going on in my life with my kids, i have come to the conclussion, I am a TERRIBLE father and that my boys hate me because of the lies their mother has told them and brainwashed them with. I feel it was better for them to realize i love them with all my hearts and that I will be there for them whenever they want me to be. But as of today, I am staying out of their lives, until the point they want me there. It is a very hard decisioon, I know, but I feel it has to be. If you know me, then you know that i left the soo and my kids so i could escape the many years of physical, emotional and mental abuse my exwife caused to me. I tried to escape and many times she used the kids to make me come back. My stupidity, i know, but I love my boys. I left and moved to London, where I had many rough years and even tried to commit suicide on a couple of occasions. But thanks to a great man....thank you Flyer, I am here. I recieved councelling and felt I had beaten the depression. Now my exwife is playing her mind games on the boys and it is killing me. She has turned both of my boys against me. I was happy with my life and where it was heading. My kids liked who i was with and then their mom had to step in and say her two cents worth. I know she is jealous, cause of whom i am with, and that her relationship is going to the crapper cause she picks guys who likes to look at child pornography online. This isnt the first guy she has been with that has been charged. But when i try to protect my boys she makes me out to be the bad person. I love my kids and would do anything or give anything to them. Ijust want them to be happy and if that requires me to be out of their lives, then i will do it. I am tired of all the fighting.....i will pay my child support like a good dad.....and not interfere with their lives. Well thanks for all who read this for letting me ramble but i really need to get this off my chest and my sweet fiancee is in bed sleeping as she is not feeling well today. No not alcohol induced, but i am sure she is sick of me already.....just kidding baby i love you and for the first time in my life.....i actually feel that you love me back.
Mike "sweet miky" In love - 16 years, 9 months, 10 days ago

"Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right"

A woman is mystery
A man just can't understand
Sometimes all it takes to please her
Is the touch of your hand
And other times you gotta take it slow
And hold her all night long
Heaven knows there's so many ways
A man can go wrong

Must be doin' something right
I just heard you sigh
You leaned into my kiss
And closed those deep blue need you eyes
Don't know what I did
To earn a love like this, but baby, I
Must be doin' something right

Anywhere you wanna go
Baby, show me the way
I'm open to suggestions
Mmm, whatever you say
Tonight's about giving you
What you want, whatever it takes
Girl, I hope I'm on the right road
And judging by the smile on your face

[Repeat Chorus]

Ah, Baby

I don't know what I did
To earn a love like this, but baby, I
Must be doin' something right
Must be doin' something right
Mike "sweet miky" In love - 16 years, 10 months, 10 days ago

"Good Directions"

I was sittin' there sellin' turnips on a flatbed truck
Crunchin' on a pork rind when she pulled up
She had to be thinkin' "This is where Rednecks come from"
She had Hollywood written on her license plate
She was lost and lookin' for the interstate
Needin' directions and I was the man for the job

I told her way up yonder past the caution light
There's a little country store with an old Coke sign
You gotta stop in and ask Miss Bell for some of her sweet tea
Then a left will take you to the interstate
But a right will bring you right back here to me

I was sittin' there thinkin' 'bout her pretty face
Kickin' myself for not catchin' her name
I threw my hat and thought, "You fool, that could've been love"
I knew my old Ford couldn't run her down
She probably didn't like me anyhow
So I watched her disappear in a cloud of dust.

I told her way up yonder past the caution light
There's a little country store with an old Coke sign
You gotta stop in and ask Miss Bell for some of her sweet tea
Then a left will take you to the interstate
But a right will bring you right back here to me

Is this Georgia heat playin' tricks on me
Or am I really seein' what I think I see
The woman of my dreams comin' back to me

She went way up yonder past the caution light
Don't know why, but somethin' felt right
When she stopped in and asked Miss Bell for some of her sweet tea
Mama gave her a big 'ol glass and sent her right back here to me

Thank God for good directions:and turnip greens

Mike "sweet miky" In love - 16 years, 10 months, 10 days ago
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Relax Your Birthday You have been given Relax Your Birthday.
Crafted by Mz Spanky
Unknown "INACTIVE PROFILE" Being with you! - 14 years, 9 months, 12 days ago

Lets Party on! it's your Bday You have been given Lets Party on! it's your Bday.
Crafted by Mz Spanky
Unknown "INACTIVE PROFILE" Being with you! - 14 years, 9 months, 12 days ago

~♥~  HAPPY BIRTDAY CUTIE ~♥~ You have been given ~♥~ HAPPY BIRTDAY CUTIE ~♥~.
Crafted by Mz Spanky
Unknown "INACTIVE PROFILE" Being with you! - 14 years, 9 months, 12 days ago
Linda P
Huggz and wishes from me and THE BIRTHDAY HERD
Happy Birthday To U. You have been given Happy Birthday To U..
Crafted by Pranny
Linda P "Naughty Kittyღ" Loyal - 14 years, 9 months, 12 days ago
Linda P

Birthday Cake You have been given Birthday Cake.
Crafted by Unknown
Linda P "Naughty Kittyღ" Loyal - 14 years, 9 months, 12 days ago
Linda P

Happy birthday You have been given Happy birthday.
Crafted by Unknown
Linda P "Naughty Kittyღ" Loyal - 14 years, 9 months, 12 days ago
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