Ice loves her family
Ice loves her ba0beizsss
Ice loves Dreamerz
Ice loves her job
Ice loves xia0bai
Ice loves her c0m
Ice loves her hp
Ice loves chili padis
Ice loves Gucci
Ice loves all her bel0ved kors and darling
Ice loves being who she is
Ice loves being loved
Ice loves being your princess
Ice loves you for treating her tis way
Ice loves everything going around her now.
old song..but i still l0ve it.. Unknown"~♥冰のIcee"Sparkling
- 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
Sumthing to tink abt..If t0dae u fell in l0ve wib a guy/ger but mayb u hab to share. will u still go ahead and punge urself into it? Obviously the ans is NO. But when faced with such a junction, wad will ur ans be? In fact, to be shared is much betta to share isnt it? LOlz...Personally, i loOk at h0nesty m0re. i rather know the truth den t0 be lied at..If right frm the start, i oreadi know tat tis is going to happen, at least the responsibility will be bared by myself. Unknown"~♥冰のIcee"Sparkling
- 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
Watched Money Not Enough2 t0dae..hilarious sh0w and it reali t0uched me to tears. I reali hab a s0ft sp0t for the elderly. So when i see that they are sad, i can reali feel it. cant imagine myself in such a state th0u. Life is unfair..Why is the m0therly l0ve always greater den the l0ve f0r ur mum? I duno..haben been t0 tat stage yet, so no much c0mments. You are the poorest when u are all al0ne in tis w0rld. and i l0ve tis sentence. Jz like wad i mention in my previous tale, when everyb0dy cares abt how high u are flying but how many reali care abt how tired u are flying up there. Its time to show sum concern to ppl ard u but telling them tat u l0ve them b4 u lose it. Unknown"~♥冰のIcee"Sparkling
- 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
I received a t0uching msg t0dae. Its abt everyb0dy ard only care abt h0w high u fly but a few will care abt how tired are u flying dwn there..Im so t0uched..guess tat msg hit me on the sp0t. Why is everyb0dy so superficial to loOk at all these superficial tings like wad brand u are carrying or wad car are u driving or even wad is ur job designation. While everybody w0rks towards all these, den why are ppl telling me tat i seem to be s0 far away frm them tat they are afraid to get near. Its not me, its the society..Can some kind soul tell me wad exactly is right and wad is wr0ng? *pondering* Unknown"~♥冰のIcee"Sparkling
- 16 years, 7 months, 29 days ago
Sumtimes love is a veri contradicting 'effect'. When 2 ppl is in l0ve, they trust each 0ther the m0st, wanted to see each other the m0st..when l0ve fades? Try all means and ways to avoid seeing each other. Keep tinking if there is ani poison in the drink tat he/she offers..Contradicting? After so many years, i still cant figure tings 0ut nor make it right..But wh0 cares, as l0ng as happiness is there, grab h0ld of it 1st..tink 0f the back-end lata...*Smilez* Unknown"~♥冰のIcee"Sparkling
- 16 years, 8 months, 1 day ago