A camera is my eye my view of the wold i take picture so u can see the beauty i do.
one time long ago there was a girl and her camera she loved her camera and it was stolen by some one in her school for days on end every one in the school was ask for information on who had the camera. she was so desperate to find her camera she posted sings in the school and at the police station stating that " if you have my camera please return it there is a $100 reward for the camera no Questions asked" 5 month later after she was put in to a new school her camera was found she never got it back because she was hit by a car on her way to school the week after she was put in to her new school the camera is now the only thing her parents have of her for there house had burned down before they moved and the person who had the camera only returned it because she had died there were no questions on where he got it because his parents were murdered when a robber broke in to his house and he was sent to a mental hospital the rest of his life. this has one moral to it if any it is not worth dieing over material items or troubling times.
Madz Content
- 17 years, 29 days ago