Tear my skin and rob me blind
Look within - what do you find?
Nothing but an empty shell
It happens when you return from hell
Rob my senses and rape my mind
Be careful of what you unwind
Emptiness is catching, as is sin
Only destruction and hatred within
What do you expect in quiet and dark
A ready and willing virginal heart?
You can only reap that which you sow
The hate, anger and judgement you show
I laugh at you judging me and my life
Your fallacies clouding your truths
You break, use, borrow and want
In the end its only yourself you abuse
Cry for your soul when Death does appear
Your life is not living, it is built upon fear
Fall down the abyss where you belong
Eternally wallow away in your wrongs
Suzsanna "Picca" Calm
- 16 years, 9 months, 3 days ago