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"~TeH nEeNaH~"
Unknown's tales
so i think that people need to luffle my little blueberry she is lonely! shes the pet that i have spent the most on xDDD go pet her thumb her ect!!!!!! heehee -huggles-
Unknown "~TeH nEeNaH~" Rabid
- 16 years, 12 months ago
i spent soo much today!! people have such cute stuff in their shops i couldnt resist x.x which reminds me.... NEW DOMO-KUN MERCHANDISE AT MY STORE!!!!! wee~~~ because who doesnt <3 domo-kun xDD
Unknown "~TeH nEeNaH~" Rabid
- 17 years, 7 days ago
so yeh my new name should be feriousa coutura.... my secret weapon is too blow people away with my hair dryer and im kind of a celebrity xD and im totally a big deal. haha if you have no clue what im talking about then you probably didnt watch project runway this season.
Unknown "~TeH nEeNaH~" Rabid
- 17 years, 14 days ago
im free! finally freeeeeeeeeeeeee :D wewt wewt!!! -happy dances-
Unknown "~TeH nEeNaH~" Rabid
- 17 years, 28 days ago
UGH!!!!!!!! pet abuse!!! pet abuuuuuuuuuuuuse!!!!!!!!! my owner is abusive!!!!! -clings to liz- i want muh liz back -angry "grr" face-
Unknown "~TeH nEeNaH~" Rabid
- 17 years, 1 month, 5 days ago
The Chibi Stop
Cute stuff made by moi!
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